The Curse of Oak Island

Rick Lagina: “We Found it By Accident!”

Rick Lagina: "We Found it By Accident!"

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Here’s how Rick and Marty Lagina accidentally found the hidden treasure of Oak Island. For more than 200 years now, this little island coasting off the southern shores of Nova Scotia known as Oak Island has seen the dreams of many men dashed to pieces. Yes, the island is captivating to all those who see it, thanks to the sandy beaches on the island, the breathtaking views of the ocean from said beaches, and the plush and captivating landscape that can be found there.

However, what is truly fascinating about the island is what has drawn so many people there for many centuries: the desperate search for treasure that has been rumored to be hidden on the island for many years. How did this start? How did so many people risk their lives for so long just because of the prospect of finding treasure on Oak Island?

Imagine the likes of Long John Silver from Robert Lewis Stevenson’s Treasure Island running around on the unforgiving island with his army of bandits and pirates as they search for where X marked the spot. Now multiply this by 100 and be stunned that you might be coming up short. What’s even more troubling about this 200-plus-year search for treasure on Oak Island is perhaps what is running through most of our viewers’ minds as they contemplate the prospect of finding this treasure on Oak Island: there’s the famous Oak Island legend. Six people have died; then a seventh has to die.

The troubling thing is that despite the fact that these men have risked their lives crossing the seven seas from all corners of the world, nobody has emerged with this treasure even to this day. Well, that may all be changing soon because Rick and Marty Lagina, the leaders of the current team that’s risking it all just to come away with this elusive treasure after so long, may have some news for us.

That said, we must take a look back and appreciate how this treasure hunting frenzy first began. The truth of the matter is that Oak Island may have always been a place for stowaways looking for a place to stash their loot while hiding from the European military officers wanting to crush the reign of piracy rampant during the Golden Age of Piracy between the mid-1600s and the early to mid-1730s.

As such, it makes sense that following the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht, which signified the end of the War of Spanish Succession, the focus of all the forces of those involved in this war shifted on the plague that was piracy at the time. It was likely that these pirates may have hidden their treasures in a place like Oak Island, especially as it was among the small islands in the Americas and the Caribbean where these pirates were known to travel to and from during their reign of terror.

For example, it is believed that it may have been the likes of Edward Teach, who was more popularly known as Blackbeard, who may have hidden his massive loot on Oak Island when the authorities were doing their best to capture him and put that noose around his neck. The same can be said for good old Captain Kidd, who is another favorite candidate as the owner of the rumored massive loot that is believed to be hidden somewhere on the captivating place that is Oak Island.

Just found an important clue connecting the Oak Island mystery to the 17th-century pirate Captain William Kidd. As interesting as such tales may be, especially to those who love a tale filled with adventurous pirates that plundered boats and ships that had the misfortune of traveling in the open seas, they’d find that this is just one of the rumors surrounding the mysterious treasure hunting spot that is Oak Island.

You see, there are too many players involved in this game, and until this day, nobody can actually put a finger on who owns the mysterious treasure of Oak Island. There are those who believe that the loot belonged to Marie Antoinette, the fallen French queen who lost her husband, King Louis XVI, her children, and her generational wealth to the French Revolution. It is believed that while she was staring at the destruction of her royal family, along with the social structure that had enriched many for generations, she managed to smuggle a good portion of her massive wealth to the mysterious treasure spot that is Oak Island.

It is believed that it was done in the hope that she and her family might be able to use the money to start a new life away from the turbulent French Revolution. Alas, the unfortunate queen and her supporters would find that the guillotine begged to differ.

As compelling as such a sad tale seemed to be, especially to those who may be captivated with the glamorous figure that was Queen Marie Antoinette, they may find that it may be more believable to think that this treasure may have belonged to the great bard Sir William Shakespeare.

And then there are some people who incredibly believe that it’s the last manuscripts of Shakespeare. These people believe that while the treasure may be made up of the wealth of one of the most famous English playwrights in history, if not the greatest of all time, they also believe that the treasure could also be in the form of some of his unpublished work. Imagine finding the treasure and being able to help the legendary playwright publish works that may be able to surpass classics such as Romeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice, or Macbeth. Interesting.

However, this isn’t as interesting as the fact that some of these people believe that these works weren’t penned by the famous Englishman but by one of his other famous compatriots, the statesman, soldier, writer, and explorer that was Sir Walter Raleigh, one of the most notable Englishmen of the Elizabethan era. There are some who believe that he was the one who really penned the works accredited to one of the leading members of the colonization of North America.

When it is put into that context, it does make sense that it may be Sir Walter Raleigh who was able to find Oak Island so that he could bury his treasures and his unpublished work during his travels to North America. One would think that this was the limit to the controversy concerning the elusive treasure and its source, but the fallen queen and the famous playwright were just the tip of the iceberg when it came to the mystery of who truly owned the hidden treasure of Oak Island.

This is because there were those who believed that the treasure didn’t belong to one individual, but rather many, or perhaps better put, there are those who are certain that this treasure may have belonged to the Knights Templar, the Christian military organization that protected the rights of Christians making their pilgrimage to Jerusalem during medieval times.

Certain people say that it’s Knight’s Templar treasure. Apparently, during their 200-plus years of prominence, they were able to amass a fortune that could rival most military organizations. We can all guess where they may have decided to store some of that massive fortune.

Some of us may be scratching our heads at this news right now, especially when we consider our history lessons, which tell us that the Americas were discovered by the likes of Christopher Columbus back in 1492. If it is true that the Knights Templar may have stored their wealth and fortune on Oak Island, that means that they may have predated the Italian explorer and his crew by at least a century or two.

Can you imagine that? The history books will have to be rewritten, that’s for sure. When one considers that several relics and artifacts, such as Knights Templar coins, weapons, and even some suspected cadavers that were attributed to this ancient Christian military organization, have been found littered all over this fascinating island, you’d find that it may be time to consider a change in the narrative of history.

The Knights Templar probably wasn’t even the only group that may have predated the likes of Christopher Columbus in the Americas. The discovery of ancient Roman swords on Oak Island has also made historians speculate about whether or not the ancient Romans decided to spread their empire to the Americas at some point in time. Alas, all this is left to speculation as the world tries to place a finger on exactly who left this treasure on Oak Island, as nobody has ever come close to discovering the hidden treasure of Oak Island.

At this point in time, we may just have to wait and see until it’s discovered before we can finally tell who the treasure truly belonged to. It was probably because of all these rumors of long-lost treasures on the island that Daniel McGinnis, a young man who was heading out to his farm on Oak Island, decided that this strange circular impression on the ground may be a point of interest.

After first discovering the Money Pit, Daniel McGinnis is believed to have settled with his family on Oak Island in the early 1800s while he continued to search for the treasure. Could he have come across this island’s legendary treasure? Well, such a hardworking young man wasn’t going to sit down and speculate on the possibilities. Instead, he recruited a bunch of his buddies so that he could begin work on what would eventually be known as the original Money Pit.

When you say McGinnis Foundation, are you talking about one of the finders, one of the three young boys who originally found the Money Pit? Together with these friends, Daniel McGinnis dug as deep into the ground as the times could possibly permit, hoping and praying that they would be the ones to unearth the island’s legendary treasure. With every 10 feet into the ground, they found several items such as oak logs and coconut fibers. They find more platforms every 10 feet, and they find more odd stuff: a bit of chain, all kinds of wood that shouldn’t be there. Items that encouraged them to believe that this was definitely a man-made hole.

Unfortunately for the lads, they’d find that the only item that they could show as proof of their hard work was a stone slab that had strange engravings on it. Although the slab they found showed proof that there was something hidden under there, it was not enough to encourage them to keep digging to unearth this treasure. Even with the number of times that this treasure may have eluded them, you’d find that this was the discovery that marked the first of many attempted digs at Oak Island.

The rest is history. From then on, the legend of the Oak Island treasure grew even stronger. So many teams and individuals have dug up the island just because they couldn’t stand to sit back and hear about a treasure that has eluded so many for so long. There was no denying that the more people came to the island, the more they grew sure that this was a man-made hole, and it was hiding something under it.

The story has become so popular in the past century or two that it has spawned several theories about who may have dug the hole in the first place. Some are of the opinion that it may have been done by the Native American tribes that lived in Nova Scotia before the British and French settlers arrived. Others believe that it may have been the French and Spanish settlers who first set foot on the island, although there has been no evidence to suggest that the French and Spanish settlers had any connection to the hole.

They may have only been recent settlers to the island; however, the legend of the Oak Island treasure has continued to thrive even in this present day and age. If anything, the treasure hunt has only become more intense. The fact that so many people have risked their lives trying to get to this treasure means that there are quite a few historical figures who believe that there is something hidden there.

What are they after? Gold? Silver? Ancient artifacts? Some other valuables? We don’t know. But one thing is for sure: there is something valuable hidden on Oak Island, and Rick and Marty Lagina are leading the current team that has become obsessed with finding it. Their search has even been documented on the History Channel’s show The Curse of Oak Island, and it is something to behold.

The Lagina brothers’ interest in the Oak Island treasure began when they were still children. In fact, the two of them were fascinated with the legend when they were just boys after reading an article about it in Reader’s Digest. The Lagina brothers were fascinated by the legend of the Oak Island treasure and vowed to be the ones to unearth it, and it seems that they might have done just that, as they may have finally found a way to get around the island’s infamous traps.

How did they manage to do this? And have they found the treasure? These and more are some of the questions that we will be addressing in this video.

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