Gold Rush

Freddy Dodge Returns to TAKE OVER Gold Rush Season 14!

Freddy Dodge Returns to TAKE OVER Gold Rush Season 14!

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From the appearance of a legend of the gold mining game that promises to bring his experience and expertise to the show to his timely addition when the team needs to make an important repair job, here is how Freddy Dodge returns to take over Gold Rush!

For nearly a decade and a half now, fans have been glued onto those screens as they tuned in to the gold mining adventures of those who chose to brave the elements just so that they could get to that proverbial gold at the end of the rainbow. We have been entertained by the likes of Parker Schnabel who had to follow the long and hard road paved by his family so that he could become one of the most successful young gold miners in North America today. We’ve also been entertained by the likes of Tony Beets who crossed over from his home country in the Netherlands so that he could develop into one of the most experienced gold miners on the land despite his sometimes abrasive manner. Love them or hate them, this pair shows the journey of those who decide to risk it all in the hopes that the means will justify the ends.

Thanks to their efforts in Alaska and in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon over in Canada, the fans can truly appreciate what it takes to become a success as a gold miner. That’s why it must be interesting to follow other gold miners such as Freddy Dodge. Considered to be one of the “Jacks of all trades” on the show, Freddy Dodge may appear to some as one who may just be happy enough to observe the process of gold mining as they filter the gold away from the clumps of dirt. We are sure you’ve seen him several times on the show as he stares into wash plants that are filtering the gold from the dirt. You can tell he’s a fan of the game as he can also be seen admiring the works of some wash plant designers. Perhaps that’s why he’s been able to build up such a high level of expertise when it comes to the mechanical side of gold mining.

When one is operating in such a hard and tasking world, you need people who are not only knowledgeable when it comes to where to find gold or how to extract it from the ground, but you also need people who can help you out if your machines are in a bit of a jam. That is exactly who Freddy Dodge is. Perhaps that is why when it was announced that this living legend was going to make his way back to the show, there was a buzz of excitement in the Gold Rush community that had never been seen or experienced before. To be honest, you can’t really blame them. This is no ordinary return. No. This is a moment of monumental occasion as Freddy’s decision to make his way back to the show promises a ton of drama while the team finally gains an invaluable member who would help them overcome some of the most painfully challenging aspects of gold mining.

For starters, Freddy’s return to the show seemed to coincide with the point in time in which the Todd Hoffman crew decided that they were going to put it upon themselves to set a high standard of sorts for the season. What are these high standards, you ask? Well, they decided to put it upon themselves to extract $1000 worth of gold every day while they were out there in the mines. I mean we’re sure anybody would love to do that. Let’s see how that goes. Well, the team soon found out that you could make plans but executing them is a different story. You see, as soon as the Hoffman team decided that they were going to try and meet their target of $1000, they’d find that they had to deal with a broken down wash plant. This must have been like taking a blow from Mike Tyson In the stomach. Everybody knows that the wash plant is the heart of any gold mining operation of such a scale. For those who may not be familiar with what a wash plant is, it is a machine that is used to separate the gravel soil from the gold ore particles to enrich the gold ore. This process is mostly used in the beneficiation of the alluvial gold that the crew is mining in the mining territories. Considering the fact that one of their most important machines had just broken down, it must come as some sort of relief that the living legend that is Freddy Dodge was around. Maybe a man with decades of experience with working in the mining fields may be able to help them get out of this jam. Hopefully, in record time, as everyday this machine wasn’t operational it was another day that they would have to go without their $1000. That would really suck, wouldn’t it?

The truth of the matter is that it may take a while for the viewers and even some of the miners to truly appreciate who this living legend is. For those who know, they’d be able to tell you how Freddy Dodge’s many skills have brought a ton of good fortune to those who chose to seek him out. That is why his return to the show has been a monumental moment for the rest of the crew and the fans alike as they’d get to see him working in his full pomp. Even several members of the crew have expressed how lucky they felt to have Freddy on their team because they know that he’s going out of his way to work with small outfits like theirs. Well, they’re in luck because his return to the show for them may help them bridge the gap that was made due to their inferior budget when compared to larger and more successful mining companies. What may truly be to their benefit however is that this return is also one with an interesting change for Freddy. Rather than returning to the show as a mentor or a consultant like he usually did when he appeared on the show, this time he was actually going to be the man in charge. That should filter some invaluable knowledge directly to those that would be working with him for the duration of the mining project. Hopefully, Freddy’s expertise in several fields will help them learn how to overcome certain challenges while making the most of the elements to extract all the gold they can from the soil.

Interesting days truly lay ahead for the Hoffman company. In order to make the most impact in this new role that he’d be playing in the mining fields, Freddy decided to return to the show with his brother Derek Dodge. This proved to be a well advised decision because Derek was also a very competent miner in his own right with his own fields of expertise to boast of. While this is a move that will prove to bring the best out of both men, it will also give the viewers at home a glimpse of how this family dynamic brought success to both men. After all, this will not be the first rodeo for the Dodge brothers who had previously sought to conquer this gold-rich Yukon Territory in Canada. Sure, one may think that this may be the approach of some sort of goblin brothers who are desperate to make it big by gathering all the gold that they can but that is far from the truth. Gold mining runs deep in their blood as they can trace their roots back to the gold mining families of old. That’s why one can’t truly undervalue what it means to have the Dodge brothers on their team. It could truly be the difference between the failure and the success of the team as they try to make the most out of their mining activities in the Klondike.

As such, one can see why there was so much excitement when it came to the return of the Dodge brothers. Indeed, the crew knew the future was bright thanks to the presence of the Dodge brothers, especially Freddy. Who knows how their expertise will improve their gold mining efforts in Yukon. They all look forward to his problem solving techniques as this promises to help them breathe new life into the team’s morale. As much as that is undoubtedly helpful to the team, we’re also sure that they’d be hoping to make the most of Freddy’s gold recovery techniques as well, especially as they had been struggling to meet their $1000 target because of their faulty wash plant.

Before Freddy proceeds with providing solutions with this faulty wash plant, he shows that he’s more than just a repairman. He shows how he’s able to make the most of his gold mining experience not because he’s just plowing through the land like some reckless man with a drill, but because he had a deep understanding of the land and how these things work in nature. As a result, it begins to become a little bit clearer now that Freddy’s return isn’t a simple shuffle of the members of the cast of the Gold Rush Tv show. Indeed, it may also be a representation in the change of the total orientation of the show and how they approach the challenge of gold mining. Eager to keep things simple and avoid all complications whatsoever as they tend to be costly, we see Freddy attempt to lead the team by example. Always in the field working with the team, it’s clear that he is a hands-on leader. With Freddy’s leadership, the team is set to take a new approach as they wade through the sometimes unclear waters of gold mining. With any luck, this will help them discover some of the largest and most fascinating nuggets of gold in the Klondike.

However, before they can find any life changing piece of gold, Freddy and his brother Derek need to address that massive elephant in the room, the broken down wash plant. What could have caused such a massive problem? Sure, we’re talking about a machine here but this repair job can be said to represent something similar to heart surgery for a man. They had to find the solution to the problem with the wash plant and they had to do it fast. This could make or break their season as the wash plant is probably the only machine out there that they could use to clear the sluice from the gold hiding within it at the scale that would help them reach their $1000 a day target. Now that it seemed to be underperforming to the point of a halt in all work,

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