Gold Rush

Rick Ness Just Lost $1 MILLION Because Of Broken Gold Digging Machine | Gold Rush

Rick Ness Just Lost $1 MILLION Because Of Broken Gold Digging Machine | Gold Rush

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We’ve got one very good thing going for us right now and that’s the plants running. Everything around that is very scary. I’ve been working on stuff since I was, I’d say, at least like 12 or 13 years old, just working on stuff at home like snowmobiles and dirt bikes and stuff. I’ve officially gotten into the trade about three years ago, so I’ve got all my schooling done. I just need to get my hours now. From losing their chief mechanic who could help them solve the crew’s problems with their machines to having to make all the gold discoveries that they can before the weather hinders their efforts, here’s how Rick Ness just lost $1 million because of a broken gold-digging machine.

Whoa, what’s going on? Even Rick Ness, one of the most promising new mine bosses of the Gold Rush TV show, is surprised at what he thinks he just witnessed. Did this kid just fix his $1 million excavator? Like any other gold miner looking to find his fortune in the mines in Alaska and Canada, Rick Ness is familiar with the many ups and downs of the mining industry, especially when it comes to the unpredictable nature of the business. As a result, Rick will have to consider several important factors, such as how the weather had developed during the course of the season and how technology may fail them as the crew continues their determined search for gold in the Klondike or in Alaska.

But the biggest problem that we’ve got right now is my 750 excavator needing to be put together fast. I mean really fast. As the crew continues in their bid to search for this precious gold, Rick makes the decision to enter unfamiliar territory so that he can see what different sites have to offer. This may be a difficult move because he’s had to endure the disappointment of broken-down machines and the loss of several crewmen who couldn’t handle the heat of mining for gold. Before long, Rick knew that he had to make a decision if he was going to make the most of their time searching for gold in these mines. As a result, he felt there was nothing else to do but to recruit a trained mechanic to help them with their machines. At least that way, maybe they could make up for the loss of men that the crew had experienced recently.

However, imagine their surprise when the crew welcomed the arrival of Torsten, the rookie mechanic who would soon prove to be the answer to a bunch of their mechanical problems. “Oh man, finally a mechanic here. How’s it going?” “Rick.” “Good. What’s your name?” “Torsten.” “You pulling him right out?” “Yeah, he’s strong enough.” “Oh yeah, yeah. Hope so. Better take some protein shake, eat my Wheaties, eh?” “Yeah, that’s it.” [Music]

As soon as the young mechanic made his way to the crew, he showed them that he was the real deal by putting together the complex multi-million dollar excavator right before the crew’s very eyes. Pretty impressive stuff if you ask anyone. Now they can face the challenge of Duncan’s Creek’s very topography with Torsten’s help. They may be able to use these handy machines to make the most of their limited time on the mines. The fact that they work on the mines in less than half of the week also becomes quite important because, with their staff of four people at the time, they had no mechanic with them. It appeared impossible that they would be able to meet any of their targets for the season. This would be disappointing to Rick, who may have gotten used to extracting 70 ounces of gold from the mines every week. As such, this would be a test of courage, adaptability, and resolve of the team if they are not able to fix the problems that would help them reach their goals or surpass their previous record.

These problems with their equipment and machines made the team ponder the absence of one of their other crew members named Carl. In the past, he had played a significant role in the management of their equipment, but now that he may be of ill health, his presence was sorely missed by the crew. His absence also made them understand the importance of equipment and machine maintenance as well as the presence of a trained mechanic on the team. Perhaps that is why Torsten will be greatly appreciated during his time with the guys on the mines.

“Yeah, one more year left, right on.” “Well, we’ll test your skills for sure. I’ve got a big excavator sitting in pieces not making me any money, so you can handle that?” “Yep, for sure. I can handle that. No problem.” “You look like you’re ready to go.” “Yeah, yeah, good to go.”

So after all, after putting the excavator together, he was able to gain their respect because the presence of the machine had already assisted with the improvement of their mining operations. They also realized that they were lucky to have him in the first place because they knew it was difficult to get a mechanic out to their location at this time in the year. Be that as it may, one could say that Rick may actually prefer having a smaller workforce. That said, he cannot ignore the fact that they need a mechanic among their ranks.

As much as they may be faced with these niggling headaches, it must be said that the camaraderie within the crew must be strong because they were able to keep the air light and friendly. Perhaps it was because they were able to make the most of their gold harvest so far. Not only did their behavior show that they had some camaraderie within their ranks, but it also showed that the team were able to adapt to certain situations with a tenacious yet friendly attitude. This is probably due to their dedication to the cause of mining for gold. With this attitude, they will be determined enough to overcome the other challenges that they will face as they continue with their quest for gold.

Well, we hope they are ready because they have to deal with the fact that they need to find a new place to mine after Brennan ran out of land. As a result, they could actually make the daring adventure to find a new place to find their new gold. Soon they began to explore a new spot that they considered to be fertile with gold. Once the area was clean and fully open, they decided to name this newly discovered ground the Bacon Strip. As much as they wanted to enjoy this groundbreaking moment, the team was forced to snap back to reality when a rock truck was caught in a sticky situation. It got stuck in a mound of pay dirt. Luckily, there were no casualties in this accident. They also celebrated the fact that they were able to extract 75.9 ounces of gold from their new mining territory that week. As much as they wanted to celebrate this win, they again had to get themselves into a work mindset because of the changes that occurred with another shuffle in Rick’s mining crew. This was brought about by the replacement rock truck driver, as the one who was caught up in the previously mentioned accident had to deal with the injuries he sustained when he was trying to maneuver the truck. As much as they were glad that the old truck driver was able to get the rest and relaxation that he needed to get back to shape, the crew must have pined for him when they realized that Riley, the trucker that was supposed to replace the injured one, had no plans of working with them long term. In fact, he never showed up for work after his first day. Fortunately, a solution appeared in the form of the girlfriend of the indisposed truck driver. Eager to step up for her man, she didn’t hesitate to get behind the wheels of her man’s truck. After the crew was able to teach the devoted girlfriend how to maneuver the truck, they could celebrate their adaptability and fortune, thanks to the 80.47 ounces of gold that they were able to extract from the ground that week. This meant that they had extracted 502 ounces of gold from the ground so far that season, and they can’t really complain about that.

However, another twist in the tale emerges when Riley, of all people, shows up a few days later with a garish scar on his face. What on earth could have happened to him? Apparently, his absence was accounted for thanks to a tale filled with aggressive arguments, a stint in the hospital, and some disturbances with the cops who had taken custody of his mobile phone. As much as Rick must have been thrown off by this crazy story, he was just glad to have Riley back. As much as the team would have been grateful for this moment of relief, it sure didn’t last long as it looked like a case of when it rained, it poured. Right now, it seemed to be pouring heavily on the crew. It was because before they could welcome Riley back to the team properly, they realized that there was a serious issue among their ranks. Turns out that there was a crank between the plant and the rewash. This was problematic because this resulted in a water spillage that could be seriously problematic for the team’s mining operations. Looking for answers, the team soon discovered that the leak probably happened because the two 9-inch steel pins that connected the plant and rewash had suddenly vanished into thin air without any explanation. It seemed as though the team had now become jaded to all these irritating problems because they didn’t even react to it. All they did was find two new 9-inch pins so that they could fix their problems. Well, this turned out to be useful because they weren’t at the end of their problems. As soon as they fixed the problems with the two steel pins, the crew had to turn their attention to other emerging problems. This time, they had to deal with rocks that had torn through the holes in the screen gear. In order to find a way to stop the leak that was going through the holes, they soldered some steel plates onto the holes. Unfortunately, this led to a reduced output of the team, as they were only able to extract about 46 ounces that week. Perhaps this was because of


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