Gold Rush

Parker Schnabel’s Recent Gold Rush Discovery is Mind-Blowing!

Parker Schnabel's Recent Gold Rush Discovery is Mind-Blowing!

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From having to overcome several challenges dealing with the equipment so that they could meet their lofty target for the season to eventually shocking the world with how much gold they eventually extract from the mines in Alaska, here’s how Parker Schnabel and his team blew our minds with their recent Gold Rush discoveries.

As ever, Parker Schnabel and his crew have been scouring all the mines they can get access to in Alaska. That is the only way they can get to all the gold that they could dream of. Interestingly enough, we run into Parker and his crew as their search for this gold leads to the discovery of something that truly blows the mind. Could this be something that could be millions of years old? Or is this a case of finding one of the most unique gold nuggets one could ever dream of? This interesting discovery occurred when Parker and his crew were 10 weeks into one of their seasons out there in the mines of Alaska.

As they were out there working on how to get all the gold they could get their hands on, they soon came to realize that they were faced with an obstacle that was disturbing enough to bring their season to an end. This was problematic for the crew’s goal of extracting 450 troy ounces of gold at that point in the season. This would help them make as much as $800,000. Imagine what Parker and the crew could do with all that money. At the very least, they can get all the essentials they need to continue with their operations out there in the mines. This turns our attention to Chris Doumitt and Jacob McClure, two rather important members of Parker’s team.

Chris can be considered to be important to the team because he is in charge of working with two of the team’s important machines; Sluicifer and Big Red, the wash plants that are used to separate gold from dirt. On the other hand, Jacob is the new recruit who is in charge of cleaning up dirt mounds while also making sure that everything else in the camp runs smoothly. As you can imagine, this is a lot of work for the pair and as such, they would probably love it if all their machines were working properly at all times. Alas, this brings us to the disturbing problem that Parker and the crew have to deal with just two months or so into this season.

You see, while they were at work, the team found that Big Red was experiencing some problems. Upon some investigations, the team found that the machine’s conveyor belt had gotten stuck due to some dirt that got caught up in it. In time, the team realized that it was causing some issues downstream and this was bad news because this made it difficult for the team to gather gold going forward. As you can imagine, it proved to be terrible news for the team as their goal of extracting 430 troy ounces of gold from the mines they were working in was in jeopardy. In order to overcome this challenge, the team realized that they were going to have to shut Big Red down so that they could manually clear the blockage that is causing their machine’s conveyor belt to jam.

As you can imagine, this was no easy task and as such, they had to take the utmost care to make sure that they do not get injured as they work together to achieve this goal. As much as they knew that they had to be cautious, they must have been anxious because they realized that they would be losing money due to the time that they had to spend fixing their machine. More than most, Chris and Jacob must have been feeling the pressure in the face of things because they needed to act quickly so that they could get Big Red back to speed. After all, the mining industry literally embodies the saying time is money and the more time they use up working on the machine, the more money they were losing.

As bad as things may have been, it seems as though the team wasn’t really fazed about the problems. Sure, they knew that they were going through some difficulties but credit must be given where it is due because it seemed as though they were still focused on their goal of getting that gold. After all, every ounce of gold matters and they knew that it would be vital to get as much of it as possible because of situations such as this. Furthermore, they knew that if they worked hard enough and showed enough determination, they would be able to solve this conveyor belt problem so that their operation would run as smoothly as it usually did.

Following an expedition to find new ground, Parker returned to his crew with an eagerness in his mind. He wanted to see if the team was able to meet their targets in his absence as this would help him know that he could trust them to work as hard as possible, even if he wasn’t there. Excited to see if the team could actually pull this off, the team first began to calculate their findings by measuring how much gold Big Red was able to sluice before it began to malfunction. Although they may have hoped that Big Red would help them get all of their 450 troy ounce of gold target, they were still delighted when it was able to help them pull in about 212 ounces of gold before the conveyor belt gave up the ghost.

Hoping that Sluicifer would be able to complement its partner, the team went on to see how much gold Sluicifer was able to help the team extract from the ground. Imagine the excitement when the team found that Sluicifer had helped sluice 323.50 ounces of gold. Altogether, this meant that the team had almost 600 troy ounces of gold, thereby smashing through their target for that week, even with a faulty wash plant. As you can imagine, the team was so excited because they realized that this meant that they had made more than a million dollars that week. Surely, it must have felt like a dream for all involved. Add the fact that this meant that the team had gathered 2928 ounces of gold that season, the team is thrilled because this shows that they are able to get their job done. If anything, it told them that they could keep with the pace of their own demands. They know that they will be able to find all the gold that they could if they continued to work as hard as they had been doing all season.

This takes us to people like Tyler, a new hire who was helping the Fitzgeralds in their search for gold in the remaining boulders from their mining operation. Considering how new she is at the job, she has impressed everyone so far with her ability to operate the team’s loader with ease. With any luck, she can help the team with the search for gold by finding any gold nuggets that could be hiding within the rocks that they pulled up. As you can guess, this is one difficult task for someone to take part in. Unfortunately, it looks like Tyler was just going to have to pick up this space, especially as Jackie, one of the Fitzgeralds, demanded that Tyler should be able to find the gold within these rocks. As tasking as such a chore may be, this search for gold serves to prove how strong and positive the relationship is between the pair.

To be honest, there is more to this search for gold within the rocks than the development of a strong relationship between boss and employee. Turns out that the entire team is actually counting on Tyler to come up with the goods by finding as much gold as possible within these rocks. Indeed, this could prove to determine how successful the team has been that season. Thankfully, Tyler has been able to impress everyone with how competent she is with the loader. As such, they are all happy to have her on board because her ability to find gold may prove to be crucial to the team’s efforts that season.

As this was going on, Parker was out in the Wilds of the Outback, hoping that he could get a better handle of things as they were going at that point in time. You see, he too was searching for gold on one of Fitzgerald’s properties but unfortunately, Parker would find that his efforts would be stifled because some of his equipment had gotten trapped when he tried to pull out several large pebbles from the ground. This task proved to be problematic because his shovel had gotten stuck in the ground. To be honest, Parker should have known better because his shovel was designed to dig through tiny pebbles, not the large rocks that he had found on Fitzgerald’s property.

Looking for a solution, Parker turned one of his slit racks into a filter that would help him catch the larger rocks before they messed up his machines once more. Once this issue was sorted, Parker and his team got back to work. This was all done so that he could see if there was enough gold in Eureka Creek. If there was, maybe he and his team could mine there during the off-season. Inquiries like this are why Parker and his crew are able to adapt to the harsh conditions when they are mining out there in the Outback. As you observe Parker and his team, you’d find that they place a lot of value on the land that they were working on. As they looked at the land underneath them, Parker and his team knew that it was much more valuable than a lot of land that they had worked on in the past, even without stripping it. In fact, Parker came to believe that the ground near Eureka Creek was the richest that he had ever seen or examined. Looking for more ground to work on in the off-season, Parker decided to head down to the land Down Under. At least that way, he and his team could remain occupied while the Yukon is still frozen over due to the winter.

Some good news came Parker’s way when a local miner by the name of Ian Holland informed Parker that he’d love to sell his lease to Parker. Unfortunately though, Parker found that he was unable to examine the earth to see how much gold was present because his excavator was experiencing some damage at the time. As such, Parker found that he was worried that he may leave Australia without finding out how valuable the land was

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