The Curse of Oak Island

What Is The Curse Of Oak Island, Exactly?

What Is The Curse Of Oak Island, Exactly?

Marty and Rick Lagina sitting

On January 5, 2014, television viewers were introduced to “The Curse of Oak Island” on History. At the time of this writing, the reality show is now a whopping 11 seasons and nearly 200 episodes deep, and through it all, the crew led by the treasure-hunting sibling duo of Rick and Marty Lagina has utilized all kinds of equipment and search techniques and explored previously untouched areas of the island with fame and fortune on their minds.

While this is all well and good, one has to wonder, what exactly is the curse of Oak Island? The alleged curse is fairly straightforward: as individuals travel from far and wide to seek out the island’s treasure, seven people will die before it reveals itself. This claim has only gained traction within the last century or so, and while some estimate that roughly 14 people have died while looking for the treasure, the number that “The Curse of Oak Island” stands by is six.

Seeing as it’s in the show’s title, it’s easy to imagine that the titular curse is at the center of “The Curse of Oak Island.” As fans have pointed out, though, this isn’t at all the case.

The Curse of Oak Island doesn’t dedicate much time to the curse itself

The Oak Island team outside

Overall, the curse in the title of “The Curse of Oak Island” has been a divisive topic among those who appear on the show, as well as those who watch it. The Laginas themselves have discussed their thoughts on the Oak Island curse, admitting that while they don’t fully buy into it, they can’t rule it out either. As for fans, they, too, have gone back and forth on the existence of it, with its role on the show generating plenty of chatter. Surprisingly, the series doesn’t devote much time to exploring the curse, especially as it goes on, and that has left some viewers a bit confused.

“They make this big deal in the opening about the curse and ‘one more needs to die’ and it’s literally in the name of the show but they never talk about it in the show,” wrote a Redditor in a thread on the “Curse of Oak Island” subreddit. They added that sometimes it annoys them, but more often than not, they find the program’s lack of curse talk funny. At any rate, some fans wonder why it’s so rarely mentioned. u/PumpPie73 posited that bringing it up during the hunt could be a serious morale crusher since someone supposedly has to die for the treasure to be revealed. Meanwhile, u/johnnygluebag questioned the origin and validity of the curse, thus indicating that the ambiguity surrounding it could be the reason for its lack of a spotlight.

Even though it hasn’t taken a place of prominence on “The Curse of Oak Island” over the years, it stands to reason the Oak Island curse will remain a hotly debated talking point in fan circles for years to come.

Brothers Marty and Rick Lagina on 'The Curse of Oak Island.'

For eleven seasons, The Curse of Oak Island has been captivating viewers as one of cable’s biggest programs. The treasure-hunting reality show follows brothers Marty Lagina and Rick Lagina as they search for hidden treasure on Oak Island off the shore of Nova Scotia. With a mix of history, mystery, and discovery, The Curse of Oak Island has drawn exemplary Neilsen ratings numbers. But what exactly is that titular curse all about? According to the show, “As individuals travel from far and wide to seek out the island’s treasure, seven people will die before it reveals itself.” The claim may just be a work of hype and fiction, despite roughly fourteen people having died searching for the treasure. That being said, the show stands by the fact that it has only been six. The titular curse may just be a gimmick to attract an audience. And it certainly has been with over 200 episodes under its belt!

Beginning way back in 2014, The Curse of Oak Island was a hit on the History Channel. Brothers Rick and Marty Lagina discuss the history of the titular island, their recent discoveries during their expeditions, and their theories about Oak Island. With various locations to explore, Marty and Rick take viewers on an adventure they’ve never been on before. Over the course of the series, some of the artifacts that they have uncovered included a Spanish copper coin, human bone fragments of Middle Eastern ancestry, and a hundreds-year-old rhodolite garnet brooch. With the assistance of a team of experts and specialists that have joined the series over the years, the Lagina brothers hunt around the island that they are 50% owners of.

What Is the Curse on ‘The Curse of Oak Island’?

Oak Island is a privately owned island on the south shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. One of the many oak-laden islands in Mahone Bay, there is a rich history that lives inside. Since the 18th century, treasure hunters have searched far and wide for treasure and artifacts. Among the many dig sites on the island include “the money pit,” a shaft carved out by early explorers. With excavations over the decades, Oak Island has been on the top of many treasure hunters wish list to explore.

To understand the curse of Oak Island is to understand the history of Rick and Marty’s association with Oak Island. According to their biography on History, at the age of 11, Rick would go to the library weekly where he discovered a 1965 edition of Reader’s Digest where he came across the legend of the treasure supposedly buried in Oak Island. Rick became hooked and eager to uncover the mystery on the island. Marty was more skeptical about Oak Island than his brother but he wanted to be a part of brother’s lifetime goal.Together, they purchased a stake in Oak Island Tours Inc, and the rest is history. The Michigan-born brothers have been searching the island for nearly fifteen summers using sophisticated technology and bringing in global experts in on their quest. As technology has evolved, their ability to discover more on the island has expanded.

While some may believe that the show’s sole focus is on the curse, that’s not quite the case. Some viewers have been misled, but when they found the show, they were hooked. But where do the hosts stand on the curse? In an interview on The Neil Haley Show, the brothers revealed their feelings about the longstanding lore. While their research has always led to the existence of the curse, they don’t know where the 100-year-old story originated. With that, they may not be sold 100% on its validity. Rick explained, “All these native oak trees have to die, and seven people have to die. Seven searchers have to die before this treasure is going to allow itself to be revealed.” He knows that part of him wants to believe the curse exists as it’s been a major part of his journey to the island. Marty, on the other hand, chalks it up to potential bad luck. No matter what, they will not give up uncovering their treasure.

‘The Curse of Oak Island’ Has Discovered Television Gold


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