Chrisley Knows Best

BREAKING | Chrisley Banned From Appeal Court! #chrisleyknowsbest

BREAKING | Chrisley Banned From Appeal Court! #chrisleyknowsbest

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Hey everyone, welcome back and happy Friday!

Okay, guys, so welcome back to Up in Adam Channel 2, where we have all of the extra coverage. And today, it’s Lindsay Krisley, the Krisleys, but also Kim Zak Biermann embarrassing the hell out of her daughters and also her estranged husband, Croy.

And we have some Sheena—this is like, what is going on? But you know, you know we’re going to talk about it.

So before we jump in, you guys know how this works. If you haven’t already, go ahead, pop off in the comment section. If you’re not subscribed, get subscribed. Don’t forget to hit that notification bell, and let’s, um, jump right in [Music].

Do it like we do it, like we do it, because no one can do it like we do it, like we do it, like we do it.

All right, guys, so I don’t know where to start, whether it’s Lindsay Hubbard—or not Lindsay Hubbard, Lindsay Krisley, or Kim Zak. And the funny thing is, the reason I said Lindsay Hubbard is I just did a video, it’s like they’re all blurring together now. A lot of people keep asking me, where’s Jason?

Guys, I know, I miss my best friend, my buddy, my “let’s [] [] up together,” but he’s not here until Sunday. So we’re going to jump into all of it. Here we go.

Now, thank you to Reality Tea. Lindsay Krisley was apparently banned from her parents’ appeal hearing by her sister, Savannah. One would think that with all of the drama surrounding Todd, Julie, and Savannah Krisley, they would want nothing but positive vibes. However, Lindsay Krisley, the parents’ oldest daughter, revealed something different during her podcast, Southern Tea.

Lindsay said that Savannah told her not to attend her parents’ appeal hearing earlier this month. “I was not in attendance. I know people were saying from the footage that they did not see me there, and that’s because I was not there,” she continued, saying that Savannah messaged her privately and asked her not to attend. “It was shared with me that if we were there, there would be issues and we would be asked to leave.”

Later, she referenced the control and manipulation Savannah allegedly has over her family during this time of crisis. “It very much alarms me, and I’m just going to leave it at that.” But Todd does not want a relationship with Lindsay. If you watched Chrisley Knows Best when it was airing, you likely saw Todd and Julie’s strained relationships with their oldest children, making the situation less surprising.

Savannah addressed Lindsay’s comments on Instagram and said despite wanting to keep this private, she’d spill all of the tea. “I most certainly told her privately to not attend. I told her that she was not wanted,” she said. “Her dad did not want her there, and that she didn’t care to have a relationship with her. So I said all of these things, and I’m more than happy to say that I said them. And it’s my parents’ appeal—they have the right to say who they want to be there and who they don’t.”

This isn’t the first time that Lindsay and Savannah have feuded publicly. Savannah slammed her sister in February for being “110% complicit” in her parents’ conviction, later saying that “all family is not blood, and my sister has never privately reached out to me to discuss her apparent issues with me and has publicly said several times that we have no relationship at all. So why the [__] would I want her there?”

I mean, look, if it were my parents who were going through this and my brother or sister said, “I don’t want you at our parents’ appeal,” I would be like, “kiss my ass, I don’t care, I’m going to be at whatever I want to be at.” However, this situation’s a little bit tricky, a little bit off, and I’m very curious as to how this is going to play out.

But we’re not done—it doesn’t just stop at the Krisley [__]; it keeps going. So let’s go over to the Kim Zak of it all.

Thank you. Kim Zak is trying to justify her RIP clickbait post after her daughters’ embarrassment, which we posted the video for you guys. Um, I know, I know you guys saw the video where her daughter was like, “Guys, I have secondhand embarrassment. I am so embarrassed and confused as to what’s going on.”

Can I just play the video for you guys? Hold on, in case you didn’t see it in one of the other videos, this is the video that I’m talking about.

Thank you to BWIG Hello Drama. Guys, I had about a damn heart attack when I went on my—when I went on my Instagram. I—I physically don’t have any [] words. What, what, what, what? The DMs that I’m getting as well, like, before I even saw the story, and I’m like, “yeah, that, that, what?” What would you do in this situation? Not this []. Secondhand embarrassment stays through the roof. Um, let’s see what’s coming next week. Um, I love you, but I just like, my heart, like, tugen, like no, no, the [__].

I know you guys, and that’s where we’re at. What the [__] did I just watch?

But we’re not done. Oh God. Unfortunately, Kim Zak just scolded everyone. She’s not here for the critics of her clickbait posts. In case you missed it, Kim tried to make a few bucks the other day by posting a click article that said “RIP,” along with a picture of her and her estranged husband, Croy Biermann. Kim’s followers were quick to drag her for the bizarre post, and even Kim’s daughter responded to it.

However, Kim is adamant that there’s more to the story, and she just slammed her followers for misinterpreting her. Although the consensus on the Internet is that Kim’s RIP post was in poor taste, she’s trying to justify it. She shared yet another clickbait post where she tried to explain the previous one, and Ariana Biermann must be thrilled.

Kim wrote, “#LinkInBio I’m tired of all of the lies and accusations. Every day it’s always something new. I’m tired of so much [__] being thrown my way. So you want to know what died? Here’s the truth.” According to Kim, it was a tribute to many that we’ve lost this past year. She said that she wasn’t trying to insinuate that Croy died and confirmed that he is alive. Instead, she was referring to the relationship that died. “The story was a tribute to the many that we’ve lost this past year, and my relationship was lost too, so it seemed fitting.”

No girl, you are clickbaiting the [__] out of everyone. From there, Kim dragged everyone for being critical of her. She said her fans should have known that she has more tact, class, and compassion than to announce the death of her estranged husband via a clickbait post. “People also need to get serious. Do you actually think if Croy died, even with all of the issues we’ve had, my first instinct would be to go on my Instagram and post #LinkInBio with this pic and #RIP or RIP attached?”

Kim is still missing the point, though, because no one thought Croy died. The issue is that her clickbait posts have become so low quality that it’s hard to take her seriously. Regardless, it doesn’t look like any amount of feedback will stop her from using these posts to make a few more coins.

Girl, yeah, up, but okay. Also, Sheena’s talking about the Jax and Brittany thing with, um, the PR girl. Here we go. You know, if the rumors are true of Jax cheating on Brittany with Lori, if not true, why did Brittany block them both?

I think this is something that Brittany will address when she’s ready and give you her reasoning. Um, I’m not going to speak on rumors floating around, but I will say I can’t imagine a worse scenario. I think we’ll see how that plays out and, uh, we’ll listen to Brittany’s podcast and then see what she has to say about it.

Yeah, they’re going to need to figure out what they’re—I’m like, you do one week on, one week off. I mean, it’s—that’s what’s so hard. It’s like great when you get to do business with your partner, but then if things don’t work out, that’s just the hardest part. It’s like so, but outside of that whole thing, they’re separated, correct?

Yes, and then Jax is still living in the house, and Brittany is living in another location?

Yeah, she’s in an Airbnb. I have a problem with that. Yeah, I have a problem with that because you also have a kid involved that needs consistency. Why isn’t Jax in the other house and Brittany’s at the house?

It’s a great question. You should ask him, but I think we’re both blocked. I mean, same.

Do you know if the rumors are true of Jax cheating? She just laughs. I die.

Okay guys, I want to hear what your thoughts are. Pop off in the comment section. If you’re not subscribed, get subscribed. Don’t forget to hit that notification bell, and, uh, we’ll see you next time.

Love you guys, gotta go, bye.

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