Chrisley Knows Best

Nanny Faye spends a lot of money to travel.. Why not use that money to help Todd Chrisley reduce his sentence sooner?

Nanny Faye spends a lot of money to travel.. Why not use that money to help Todd Chrisley reduce his sentence sooner?

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Nanny Faye, known for her love of travel and adventurous spirit, is a beloved figure in the Chrisley family. While her spending on travel might raise questions, it’s important to understand the context and dynamics of the situation. Here are a few points to consider:

Financial Independence: Nanny Faye may have her own financial resources that are separate from those of Todd and Julie Chrisley. She might be using her own savings or income to fund her travels, and it’s possible that these funds are not substantial enough to make a significant impact on Todd’s legal situation.

Legal and Financial Complexity: Reducing a prison sentence through financial means is not straightforward. Legal fees, restitution, and other court-ordered payments are typically handled through specific channels and processes. It’s not as simple as redirecting personal travel funds to shorten a sentence.

Personal Choices and Quality of Life: Nanny Faye’s decision to spend money on travel could be a way for her to maintain a sense of normalcy and enjoyment in her life despite the family’s legal troubles. Her well-being and happiness are also important, and travel might be a way for her to cope with the stress and support her family emotionally.

Family Dynamics and Support: The Chrisley family might have different roles and responsibilities when it comes to handling their legal and financial issues. Nanny Faye’s travel expenses might be seen as a separate matter from the legal strategies being pursued to reduce Todd’s sentence.

While it’s natural to wonder why funds aren’t being redirected to potentially aid in reducing Todd’s sentence, the reality is that financial matters and legal processes are complex. Each family member’s choices are influenced by a variety of factors, including personal well-being, financial independence, and the intricacies of the legal system.

Nanny Faye spends a lot of money to travel.. Why not use that money to help Todd Chrisley reduce his sentence sooner?

Nanny Faye Traveling To Spend Holidays With Son

Nanny Faye Chrisley is traveling all the way to Pensacola, Florida to spend the holidays with her son, Todd. He and his wife, Julie Chrisley are currently serving a combined nineteen years behind bars. So, to keep him from being lonely, his mother is coming to see him. Read on for all of the details.

Nanny Faye Traveling To Spend Holidays With Son

It has been over eleven months since Todd Chrisley reported to a Pensacola jail. Fortunately, he and his wife, Julie Chrisley may have the chance to get out earlier than expected. However, for the time being, they will still spend Thanksgiving behind bars. Obviously, for the parents of five (plus Chloe), this is not an ideal situation in any capacity. Fortunately, Todd will be getting a very special visitor. His mother, Nanny Faye Chrisley will be making the trek to see her son and she’s doing it alone.

Nanny Faye and Todd Chrisley/Facebook

According to People, Faye shared the details on her granddaughter, Lindsie Chrisley’s Southern Tea podcast. Her first stop is seeing some old friends of hers so she will get to actually celebrate the holiday.

“I’m going to have Thanksgiving dinner with some friends down in Florida. They’ve invited me, some close friends that I’ve had for about 17 years. So I’m going to have dinner with them.”

Of course, while she is in Florida with her friends, she does have plans to see her son, Todd despite the circumstances.

“I’m going to visit my son. We have never been apart. He’s [54] years old and we have never been away at Thanksgiving. So, I’m gonna make it my business to be there on Thanksgiving.”

Nanny Faye is one determined woman who, keep in mind, just beat bladder cancer. However, it seems that something like that will not deter her from seeing her boy for the holidays. Admittedly, she is saddened by the situation but she is not going to let it drag her. Nanny will see Todd on this special day and do their best to celebrate. There is nothing more they can do other than that.

What About Julie?

Nanny Faye has given her daughter-in-law, Julie Chrisley a lot of credit for helping her through her cancer battle. She does wish she could be with her on the holiday, as well but she is in a prison in another state. Fortunately, Julie will not be alone as Faye shared her parents will be with her. Thankfully, Nanny will get to hug her son and, though she does note the dining will not be the same, that is a huge blessing.

Are you shocked that Nanny Faye is going down to Florida all by herself? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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