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Powercut on F/V Wizard sends Deadliest Catch captain into meltdown – ‘Beyond annoying’

Powercut on F/V Wizard sends Deadliest Catch captain into meltdown – ‘Beyond annoying’

Deadliest Catch season 20 is only onto its first few episodes this June but already the show is packed with drama. Naturally, the premise of spending a season on the treacherous Bering Sea is bound to come with some high-risk moments, but season 20 sees some of the show’s stars pushed to their limits.

Captain Keith Colburn has Deadliest Catch viewers of the show taking to social media this June as he deals with all kinds of issues aboard the F/V Wizard. From other boats laying pots on top of his to the Wizard catching on fire, the Discovery Channel show sees the captain overcoming hurdle after hurdle.

Deadliest Catch: Power cut aboard the Wizard

During Deadliest Catch season 20, Keith Colburn is at the helm of the F/V Wizard.

During episode 4, the entire ship descends into chaos as the power cuts out while out at sea.

The vessel is left in complete darkness as someone says: “We gotta pot we gotta get rid of,” Capain Keith shouts: “Push it over, get everybody away from it.”

The crab fishermen can’t see anything. Then, an electrical fire breaks out as a crew member shouts: “The breaker burned up.”

One fan commented on how it’s not the first time the ship has experience a fire: “That is totally crazy. And second fire the wizard has been dealing with. Have to wait until Tuesday to see if it does more than Spark. @crabwizard I bet you got a few more gray hairs from this season.”

Critics weigh in on Captain

Being in charge of a 371-ton fishing boat has got to be stressful but that doesn’t stop Deadliest Catch critics from weighing in on Captain Keith.

The fishing boat Captain has the responsibility of the 156-foot-long F/V Wizard.

Fans taking to a Reddit thread add how the vessel wasn’t actually made for crabbing initially: “The problem with the wizard is, it wasn’t designed to be a crab boat. It sits really low in the water and instead of riding the waves like the northwestern does, it punches through them.”

Another said: “I just looked that up, the Wizard has its own website with info on that. It was apparently originally a Naval yard oiler, then a molasses hauler before being converted to a crabber.”

This season sees crew members “screaming” over the Wizard’s fire and Captain Keith “shaken up” but that doesn’t stop critics from saying they think he shows too much “anger.”

One wrote of the time Jacob set pots right next to Captain Keith’s: “Keith is beyond annoying. His yelling and faux outrage is tired at this point. The captain of the Aleucian Lady called him to tell him what Jacob did. He didn’t have to do that. And you’re still going off?”

Sig Hansen posing

We all know Sig Hansen as the captain of the Northwestern fishing vessel on Discovery Channel’s Deadliest Catch. The captain never lost a sailor to the rough seas, according to the show’s Facebook.

Hansen was born on April 28, 1966 in Seattle, Wash. He comes from a long line of fishermen, and was 14 years old when he began working on his father’s fishing boat. Hansen became a full-time fisherman after he graduated high school.

Hansen has been on the water for decades, but he’s not sure how much longer he’ll be able to handle the rough seas. The captain has confidence in his daughter Mandy, according to an April 2019 interview with Entertainment Weekly. “She and her husband can take it and run,” he said. “I don’t care. They are young, they got this, For me, I’m done. I got a foot out the door. My mentality is different from it was 20 years ago. You only get so many chances.”

One would think commanding a fishing boat would yield a massive financial reward, but for Hansen, other factors have come into play. Keep reading for more details on Hansen’s net worth.

Sig Hansen’s legal battles might’ve impacted his net worth

Sig Hansen posing

Sig Hansen is worth $4 million, via Celebrity Net Worth. According to the Seattle Times, he found other ways to make money off his celebrity status. He wrote a book, picked up voice work in Disney’s Cars 2, and made an appearance on Celebrity Apprentice, among other engagements.

However, his daughter Melissa Eckstrom sued him for sexual assault in 2017, and it’s possible the court proceedings took a bite out of his earnings. “This is nothing more than an old-fashioned shakedown,” he told the outlet at the time. “It’s a completely frivolous lawsuit full of lies that my ex-wife made up to take away my daughter, and still uses to try to extort money from me. It’s blackmail.”

In May 2017, Hansen was also arrested for assaulting an Uber driver, according to People. Seattle Municipal Court Judge Ed McKenna ordered him to pay a $43 fine, stay 500 feet away from the driver, and not have drugs or alcohol until June 27, 2019.

It also appears that Hansen’s former cigarette addiction cost him a pretty penny. During an episode of Deadliest Catch, Hansen sat down with his daughter Mandy where they went over how much he had spent on smoking during his lifetime. They were shocked to discover that the amount was nearly enough to purchase a home, according to Soap Dirt.

In April 2020, Hansen revealed to People he was spending “hundreds of thousands of dollars” on boat repairs, but was thankful he was still able to make money.



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