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Keith Colburn FUMES At Deckhand After He Moans About Back Injury! | Deadliest Catch

Keith Colburn FUMES At Deckhand After He Moans About Back Injury! | Deadliest Catch

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15 mil South 53 aboard the 155 ft wizard one more time 53 53 okay I’m not paying attention like I should it’s only a matter of time before the big lazy swell is rolling in from the southwest a Prelude to this storm that’s coming. Captain Keith Coburn braces for the onslaught of typhoon Nori.

Going to be really nasty out here this it’s supposed to blow 45 maybe 50 50 plus. Got to get work done while it’s nice and we are L not filling the jugs [Music] up he wanted this me to not run up and down the day. Kevin needs helping us by being out there but we can’t work through a trip with a guy at half speed by days after injuring his back deck and Kevin Stafford continues to struggle on Deck.

We have no problem stepping it up one of team members down tell you right now for as hard as we’re working it ain’t worth it morale is really low on deck and Kevin not getting any better. He’s not paying attention to anything he’s just thinking about how the story is you know he’s not making he he’s not making an effort he’s not willing to try and move his hands a little bit faster everything he does he’s doing like Frankenstein you know you don’t have to move your back any faster you don’t have to bend over.

I’m just try to take it easy and get through this trip or maybe I go ahead and get myself really hurt and then go home and forget about it. What well is that how you kind of feeling though I mean yeah in a way because it sucks to be out here at hurt [Applause] but Hey listen to me man I just watched you for five pots in a row do nothing except do this stare at the Bait Stand in the middle of the deck. If you’re going to walk up up here stuff a damn Jugger 10 that’s what I’ve been doing I’ve been watching you your head’s not here I’m standing up for you for I got a whole crew that’s about ready to mute me.

Please help me too stuff like a mother your hands hurt trying to do I’m not seeing it and they’re not seeing it all they’re doing is running circles around you half the time they have to dodge you because you’re standing in the middle of deck I don’t really like that at all actually should have happened days ago. I guess it’s time when it’s time bottom line is working at 20 to 30% speed dur in the storm liability to the boat it’s liability to the crew good news is our new deck hand’s coming.

Keith has hired a new deck hand to stabilize his crew he’s already on his way let to see if I can find a boat to bring my new crewman out problem is he’s a day steam all the way back in Dutch Harbor saw went by here about a day ago I’m going to give Elliot a call and see if he’s in town if he’s heading out anytime soon that’ll save us a full day in town not having to sit at the dock waiting Mr Wizard hey you know what I got a huge favor to ask one of my crewman on here is banged up so I’ve got a crewman flying in town and uh I believe you’re probably heading back out if there’s a way I can get them on your boat and we can transfer them out here would be awesome yeah I’m in town I’m I’m getting ready to offload I’ll be taking off uh late tonight or early in the morning my only concern is it’s going to be like 20 some foot.

Please I will not ask you to do anything that I wouldn’t do myself you don’t have to come to me I’ll come to you okay I’ll give you I’ll give you a shout when we when we leave tonight and let you know um I kind of ETA all right okay bye H so it sounds like we’re going to take somebody out to Mr Wizard he’s got a greenhorn in town here somebody on his boat got hurt or something and um he wants us to bring out his new guy and I told Keith that the weather concerns a little bit cuz it’s supposed to be 20 some seas and I’m not transferring anybody in that kind of weather.

See how it all works out aboard the wizard coming up here you see that storms 30 40 m hour worth of wind out here are starting to come up the chain now lucky right now that we got a window of weather where we can get Robert get her done on the boat so we better get our butts in GE with super typhoon nor fast approaching sooner we get another set of hands out there to get the rotation back in place the better we’re going to do a transfer with Elliot Captain Keith curn has only hours to retrieve his deck hand before the weather makes it impossible.

You know what we got to go do this impr transfer get the pot ready get the brid on the PO ready to complete the handoff the crew builds a makeshift raft we got to make sure that this is absolutely set up perfectly so that even it idiot proof kind of bouncy out huh yeah it’s a little bit bouncy for G or done is going to be coming out on the what you say The Saga yeah where was he at right 106 right there but he’s at least he’s in the general vicinity of where we’re supposed to meet you know he’s doing us a favor [Music] put that one on 60 away Elli Keith on the wizard anybody on there never can’t gu see before for Courier Captain Elliot n let only set to the back half hour 20 minutes breakfast is a bigger concern hello anybody [Music] there you on this one here got 2/10 of a mile off his bow should intercept him with no word from The Saga Keith decides to move in for a closer look he’s coming around the bow here we’ve got like one shot to do it and that’s it you know next thing you know the weather comes up and we don’t get them for a week next thing he’s stranded on there hello hello hello anybody there Mr Wizard right there isn’t it not wizard Saga what’s going how’s it going we’re doing okay a [Music]

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