Gold Rush

Parker Schnabel Strikes a HUGE Disaster: His Entire Gold Claim Flooded with Water!

Parker Schnabel Strikes a HUGE Disaster: His Entire Gold Claim Flooded with Water!

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From having to find a way to manage the affairs to two mines that are located both in the United States of America and in Canada, as well as having to deal with the many problems that could prevent Parker and his team from achieving their target for the season, here is how Parker Schnabel was struck with a huge disaster when his entire gold claim flooded with water.

Ah yes… the never-ending search for gold on the Gold Rush TV show continues. For more than a decade now, it has become clear that this would be a lifelong mission for these gold miners as they search for gold in the presence of all their fans, thanks to the Discovery Channel.

As such, we get to watch as the likes of Parker Schnabel, Tony Beets, and Rick Ness try to achieve their various goals for the season. That is why we watch with a sense of nervousness as Parker and his gold mining company struggle to meet their goals during the 13th season of this great show.

It all started several weeks into the aforementioned season. In fact, some would say that they were two-thirds of the way into the season. As the Clayton brothers worked hard on their mines to get the gold that would help lift their family out of poverty, Parker and his crew were trying to overcome some challenges of their own while they were in Fairbanks, Alaska.

You see, as the season slowly crept to a close, Parker was still struggling to make his new mines in Alaska profitable. If you asked Parker at that point in time, this was probably due to the fact that he was struggling to make sure that the two mines that he owned were fully functional at the same time. Thankfully, Parker didn’t have to do all of this on his own as he had Mitch and Tyson helping him with things over at the Yukon.

Without them, we’re not sure how Parker would have been able to handle this expansion of his operations. At the very least, he would not be able to stay back in Alaska so that he could focus on the activities that were taking place in his mines in Fairbanks. This expansion may sound like a lot for those who watch Parker and his team struggle with the moves that they were making, but it may help such fans to take solace when Parker explains that this was all part of him keeping an eye on the future.

Parker was lucky enough to realize that they were slowly running out of land to mine in the Yukon. As such, it was best for him and his team to know where they would be working in the future. Thankfully, they were able to find the mines in Fairbanks in good time. Furthermore, Parker and his crew can be thankful for the fact that he had enough foresight to get the gold mining operations in the mines in Fairbanks up and running during the season after months of setting up.

Now it looked like they were on their way to some profit after finding some gold in the Driftcut region of the mines. Thanks to this, they have been able to extract about 14 ounces of gold so far from the tailings found in the mines. As much as these findings represent some sort of progress for Parker and the team, Parker still wasn’t satisfied.

If anything, he hoped to use this as some form of encouragement for his team and himself because he was hoping that soon, they would find their way to what they were there for: the good ground that Liam drilled some time ago. If they were able to get to this, they would be able to benefit from land that is said to be five times more profitable than that found in the Yukon.

To achieve that would be a great feat for the team as they would be swimming in gold. To achieve this though, Parker would have to continue his pursuit for gold at the far end of the mines known as the Wolf Cut. With any luck, this place would give him about 1000 ounces of gold by the end of the season.

If they were going to get their hands on all that gold, they had to move as quickly as possible because they didn’t have that much time left, especially as the season was soon coming to an end. If they were going to get all that gold, the team was going to have to keep access to the pay dirt that was about 30 feet down from where they were digging.

For this to happen, Parker and his team were going to have to dig up about 100,000 yards of overburden. As you guys can imagine, this would involve a lot of work for this hard-working crew. To be honest, it could all prove to be worth it, especially if it gives them all the gold that they want from this land. With that in mind, there was nothing to do but to get to it.

As they kept on digging, though, Parker had to acknowledge that they may get into some trouble due to the water on the land. For Parker, he would have loved it if the mud was frozen. At least that way, the water would be kept in the mud while they were digging. Despite this, Parker and his team just kept on digging, even though the land was getting muddier and muddier by the moment.

Sure, it made the land messy, but the mud was not a problem only because of the aesthetics. The team found that as they were digging in the mud, their machines tended to sink into it, thereby making the entire digging process more problematic by the minute. Before long, the team had to let Parker know about the ever-growing problem. What were they going to do now that the water seemed to flow?

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the more they dug, the more the water seemed to be a hindrance to their work. To make matters even worse than they were at that point in time, they hadn’t even done 50% of the work that they had to do on that land. It actually looked as though they would have to kiss all their targets for the season goodbye.

After taking a step back, Parker and his team realized that they had a huge problem on their hands when they remembered that the mines located at the Wolf Cut were at risk of flooding on a normal day because the Wolf Cut is right next to a dredge pond, with only a narrow border separating the two entities.

To make matters worse, the more the team dug, the more they would expose the frozen permafrost that was keeping the water away from the mines. As such, digging on those mines at that point in time would prove to be nearly impossible, thanks to the water that was seeping through the permafrost. Thankfully, Parker and his team didn’t run away from the problems that they saw in front of them.

As soon as the issue was brought to Parker’s attention, he decided that they must get a pump so that they could get rid of the flood water. As they did that, they also decided to dig a sub pond into the cut so that the water could maybe collect there instead of the main mines themselves. If they could succeed in creating this sub-pond, maybe they could also use the pump to drain it.

Sure, this was going to be a time-consuming effort, but if it helped them get rid of the water, so be it. Without much of a fuss, the team goes to work. Even Parker got his hands dirty as he wanted to keep on digging more than the other miners. Before long, the team watched jubilantly as the water pump got to work, extracting the water out of the mines.

Now all they had to do was wait until all the water got out of the hole. Sure, this could take all night, but hopefully, it would allow them to continue with their work the following day. Alas, upon returning to the Wolf Cut the next day, Parker and his team found that their mines were still flooded.

What on earth happened? Why didn’t the pump clear all the water out of the pond and the mines? Speaking of the pump, where the heck was it? It looked like it must have stopped pumping because rather than clearing the water for Parker and his team, it has instead helped them build a lake. Great, right?

With the pump now submerged under four feet of water, it looks like Parker still has some pressing problems on his hands. Just great! There goes half a million dollars right there. As Parker was quick to say, maybe he would have had better work taking that money to Vegas with him.

As Tony Beets and his team rushed to meet their targets for the season, Parker and his team had to do it all when it came to handling their flood problem. In order to combat what was going on at the Wolf Cut, Parker and his team focused on their activities at some other tailings located in some of the other mines that they have access to in Alaska.

With the gold that they get from these tailings, they could pay some of the costs that they were incurring due to the flooding that was occurring at the Wolf Cut. This was annoying for some of the members of the team because this meant that they were wasting time at some old spots instead of getting to the gold that was rumored to be in the mines in the Wolf Cut.

With flooding forcing them to shut down operations at the Wolf Cut, it looks like it would take some time to even get to the paydirt down there. What a big blow for Parker and his mining operation. How can he focus on running two mines at the same time when one has been unable to get going? Now, Parker had to get some guys so that they could retrieve the water pump, which was now underwater.

For this to even get going, the guys had to get a kayak so that they could get to the water pump. Who had that on their bingo list? After retrieving the water pump, the guys got to work on it. They deduced that it must have stopped working because it got clogged. Whatever must have clogged it had the effect of making the water pump malfunction so badly that it started to draw water from the dredge pond right next to the Wolf Cut.

As such, it only helped in making the flood worse than it was the previous day. After dealing with the water pump, Parker and the team decided that they had to come up with a solution that could save the situation in the long run because, at this point, they couldn’t afford to waste any more time.

With the season quickly drawing to a close, they couldn’t afford to take things slow. At this point, it was all hands on deck as the crew focused on trying to save their mining operation from the effects of the flooding. In the end, Parker decided to have his guys get another pump. They also dug a trench that could help with draining the water out of the mines.

With that done, the guys also decided to focus on building some berms that could help divert the water from getting into the mines in the first place. Thankfully, all these measures seem to have helped the guys out in the end, because after some more work, they were able to get rid of the water from the mine so that they could start digging again.

Yes, it took a lot of hard work and dedication from Parker and his crew to get the water out, but in the end, it was worth it. In fact, it looked like they were getting closer and closer to the gold that they were trying to get to at the end of the day. The Wolf Cut was now free from water, and they could continue to mine the gold that they were hoping to get.

Would they be able to get all the gold that they were looking for? Would they be able to achieve their goals for the season? Would all their work have been worth it in the end? Only time will tell, but for now, we have to keep watching so that we can find out what happens in the end.

This version maintains the original content while being easier to read.


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