Gold Rush

Tony Beets Discovered Tons Of Gold At His New Indian River Mining Location! | Gold Rush

Tony Beets Discovered Tons Of Gold At His New Indian River Mining Location! | Gold Rush

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From having to search for gold in the thick black muck found on one mining site to pondering on whether or not it was best to move their entire mining operation to another mining site that looks like it would guarantee them all the gold that they had dreamed of, here is how Tony Beets discovered tons of gold at his new Indian River mining location.

The search for gold never ends, does it? Well, that must be what it feels like for the various gold mining companies hoping to get their hands on the gold found in North America. To get what we’re talking about, just take a look at Parker Schnabel, the talented gold mining prodigy who is trying to lead his mining company to what may be their next source of income for many years to come.

As exciting as this must seem for Parker and his crew, this could prove to be a monumental task for several reasons. One of the reasons this is such a huge task is the fact that they are moving from their mining operations in Scribner Creek. This is huge because they had been mining there for a bit more than a decade now.

It must have been huge for Parker and his team because they had been able to rely on those mines for so long. Now, they had to move and with that comes the second reason why this move could prove to be so tasking. You see, with this move, Parker and his crew were going to have to move a decade’s worth of machines and equipment from Scribner Creek as they make their way to their new home in Dominion Creek, one of the most historical mines found in the Yukon.

Imagine moving from a home after living there for more than a decade. Well, we can imagine that moving from one mine to the other is just as bad, if not worse. Well, Parker and his crew are willing to make the move even though this could prove to be the biggest gamble of his life.

He and his crew had just spent $15 million acquiring the land that they were moving to and as such, one can see how he and the crew would be hoping to make that money back as soon as possible. Despite such a heavy investment, Parker and his crew would find that this may be the best move for them because the acquisition of this land at Dominion comes with a different level of freedom; they will have no landlord there.

Now that they were all in with this move, they knew the pros and cons and despite the fact that they were at the point of no return, there is no doubt that Parker along with each and every member of this team are ready to make this move. To be honest, we’re sure that most of you watching this video would feel the same if your $15 million investment would help you make up to $160 million.

Let’s hope that they find success on this new ground. As fascinating as this move may be for Parker and his crew, things seemed to be just as exciting for Tony Beets, the so-called King of the Klondike. Together with his crew, the veteran gold miner finds that he has to deal with some challenges of his own. Just two weeks into the season, Tony has had to spend more than a million dollars.

Not only did they have to dig really hard because of the frozen condition found in Paradise Hill at that point in time in the year, but they also feel that they are already badly handicapped due to the fact that their trommel is damaged so they have not been able to do any sluicing yet. This, as you can imagine, is a massive headache for any mine boss to deal with.

To make matters worse, the frozen conditions have forced him to spend some of that money stripping the overburden on the same Paradise Hill. That on its own is bad enough but when they found that this didn’t result in the extraction of any gold from the mines, we’re sure this caused a big dent to the team’s morale. Luckily, this team had the veteran Tony Beets, the King of the Klondike, at the helm of this mining company.

With him, they could get through any hitch in the works and as you watched the old man help around with some of the many activities in the mine, you just knew that he was already cooking up a plan in that crazy old head of his. True to form, it looked like Tony had already come up with an escape plan.

You see, he was a bit relieved because he had a partial license to go and work in a mine over at the Indian River. If they are able to strip most of the land found there, they would be able to make up to a million dollars in no time. Maybe even two or three million, who knows.

With the amended water license that gave him the permission to return to his Indian River Claims, he may actually be able to save his season before it’s too late. That said, just like Parker and his crew were finding out about their move, this would not be an easy task at all. It is especially daunting for Tony and his crew too because they too would have to move their entire operation to this new mine at the Indian River Claim.

With that, Tony finds that he must really contemplate on whether or not it is worth it for him to move to the mine in the Indian River Claim or whether it may be best for him and his crew to stick it out and see what happens if they remain in the frozen mines of Paradise Hill. As he pondered on the matter, Tony realized that he may not be able to make a decision before getting a good look at things.

In order to do so, he decided to get a helicopter so that he could get a bird’s eye view of what may be going on in these mines at the Indian River Claims. Following this, they would actually touch ground and do a survey on the land found at the Indian River Claim. Once they’re able to pull this off, they may be in a better position to decide what may be the best move for Tony and his team going forward.

As the helicopter arrived, Tony and his team couldn’t help but feel excited about their helicopter ride to the Indian River Claims. It had been a few years since they had been over there. Hopefully, this 40-mile trip south of Paradise Hill would prove to give them all the information that they needed so that they could make their next decisive move.

We’re sure that they’d love to take advantage of the over 8 miles of pre-stripped gold-rich ground found there. This takes us back almost a decade when Tony and his team got an old dredge up and running once more so that they could mine in one of the most lucrative valleys found in the Yukon.

Eager to make the most of the resources found in this gold-rich ground, Tony went on to add another wash plant to the operation. With the addition of what was also known as a shaker deck, Tony used his two wash plants to pull in a shocking $10 million worth of gold from the mines found at the Indian River Claims. Considering that they were able to find so much gold in such a place, you can see why Tony and his team were excited to revisit the Indian River.

This may actually be a return that may reward Tony and his team with the riches that may fulfill their wildest desires for gold. Well, the only way to find out if they will be able to find gold again in the Indian River Claims was to get there and that they did thanks to their handy helicopter.

Once they arrived, they got straight to work analyzing the situation. To their slight disappointment, they found that they had pretty much left the entire place abandoned when they left the mines all those years ago. After rifling through the entire mess, Tony and his team realized that the place was covered with way too much snow to make their way to the dredge. With that, they decided that it may be best to start by looking at the screen deck.

Once they got to it, they realized that they would need to do some work on the machine before it got up and running for them once more. A new chute here, fix a leak there, it was clear that there was a lot of work that needed to be done before they could get back to work with this machine on the mine. As daunting as this may seem, Tony was not discouraged. He had his eyes on the bigger picture and that was the gold that they could find while working in the Indian River Claims.

If they could fix this machine and any other ones that may be found there, they could get to the gold that could be found in the mines. That said, the effort and costs that may go into reviving this mine may be way more than it is worth. As such, as Tony and his team continued analyzing what they found in their abandoned mine, they still wondered whether or not it would be best to move their entire mining operation to the Indian River Claims.

It was that or stick it out over at Paradise Hill until they could get to the gold that could be found there. Be that as it may, Tony couldn’t remain idle while coming to this decision. After scanning the situation at the Indian River Claim, Tony and his team returned to work over at Paradise Hill. However, as he contributed to the work being done at Paradise Hill, the team knew that Tony was still trying to make his decision. Were they to stay and continue doing all they can to strip the ground found in Paradise Hill or should they risk it all by heading over to the Indian River Claims, a place that had given them up to $10 million in the past?

Things weren’t looking great at the mines in Paradise Hill though. As the team worked through the conditions there, they found that the rise in the temperature was a bit of a hindrance to their work there. You see, the rise in temperature came with the melting of the winter snow and ice. This in turn led to the flooding of the cut, which in turn led to more work and more costs.

All in all, things weren’t going as smoothly as they would have hoped over at Paradise Hill and one could see that this too may have contributed to Tony’s eventual decision to take his chances and head to the mines found at the Indian River Claims. It was a bit of a relief for them as this could help Tony and his team start to make up for the gold that they hadn’t been able to find so far.

As they went all in and moved to the Indian River Claims, Tony realized that there was no going back. He and his team would have to do all that they could to make things work over there. Luckily for them, they were able to start mining as soon as possible and things started to look up when they found some gold as soon as they started mining once more. This was a great source of encouragement for the team as they mined day in and day out over at the Indian River Claims.

They were at that mine with one goal in mind, to get as much gold as possible in that particular mining season. With the gold that they were finding, Tony and his team may be on their way to striking it rich once more over at the Indian River Claims. Here’s to hoping that they find more gold and that their decision to move to the Indian River Claims is all worth it in the end.

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