Gold Rush

Tony Beets Has Been SHUT DOWN By Gold Rush Mining Inspector | Gold Rush

Tony Beets Has Been SHUT DOWN By Gold Rush Mining Inspector | Gold Rush

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From struggles faced due to the mountainous terrain of Yukon territory and moving massive equipment in and around the Klondike to the unconquerable obstacle that prevented this legendary miner from unearthing the first gold of the season, here’s why Tony Beets has been shut down by the Mining Inspector.

Looks like things are stirring up in the Klondike yet again. We’ve gotten used to Parker Schnabel and his successful gold mining escapades on the Klondike thanks to the guys at the Discovery Channel. For 14 seasons now, we’ve been able to follow the successful miner and his team on the Gold Rush TV show and yes, it has been a delight for everyone involved.

Now however, there seems to be a different kind of excitement that is shaking things up in the Yukon Territory. This time, we follow Tony Beets and believe us when we say that it doesn’t get much better than this. The word around the grapevine is that Tony Beets, the larger-than-life Maverick Mining legend who runs one of the largest mining companies in the Klondike, is about to be shut down by the mining inspectors.

Can you imagine that? This Dutch legend has been mining since the 80s, and now it’s all about to come to an end. What could have made the mining inspectors come to such a definitive decision? What does this mean for the show? Does it mean that this season is going to be the last season of Gold Rush?

Well, it all started a while back. We all can remember the day this unsettling event occurred. This is because the entire team began to feel the tension in the camp just as the workday came to an end on the Klondike. The tension was so evident that even despite the loud noises that accompanied the long and hard activities of the miners, the miners couldn’t ignore the feeling of nervousness because of one noticeable absence from the troops: Tony Beets himself. In fact, it might be fair to say that this was the last time that they ever saw Tony Beets rising from the dirt after a successful day searching for gold.

Turns out, their worry for their legendary colleague was justified after all. Although he wasn’t in any physical danger, he was in danger of losing everything that he had worked for over the years. What could have caused this? Could he have failed to make sure his equipment was up to code? Even if that was the case, surely that must have been a mistake that could be rectified? Only thing that the team knew of the incident was that it was frustrating Tony enough to scream out at them during the short time that he spent working with them. This betrayed the exasperation the legendary miner must have felt about the situation.

That said, despite being frustrated by this situation at this point in time, the team remained resolute. Why? They remained resolute because they knew that their man Tony Beets was the type of guy who had enough strong will to win back the right to earn from the earth once more. They felt it deep within their bones that their man would once again regain the keys to his mill and gold mining kingdom.

This strange and frustrating event took place two months into the season. This was the time that every miner was knee-deep in muck as they searched the soil for that next massive gold find. That is, every miner apart from Tony Beets. While others were experiencing varying levels of success, Tony saw that his gold pans were dusty and empty. Not one to ignore the situation out of pride or any other defensive emotions, Tony realized that it may be time to take a more down-to-earth approach with his digs. After all, he had a big target; the massive 6000-ounce Honeycutt mountain. If he was gonna get above that number, he would have to do something big and he’s gonna have to do it soon.

It must be said that Tony didn’t disappoint. In fact, when we tell you what he did, you might find it inspiring enough to stop making excuses about not achieving your own dreams. Upon being faced with these problems, Tony moved his entire operation from Paradise Hill to India River. For those who know about such places, they’d be able to appreciate the fact that this move was a huge gamble, especially when it comes to the dicey and speculative nature of the game that is gold mining.

Unfortunately, despite showing this level of drive and resolve, Tony would find that he’d have even much bigger problems than the mammoth mountain that prevented him from achieving his goals. This began when he contemplated his moves. Most of the team members would notice this legendary miner as he’d sit there all by himself while he tried to figure out a way to move as quickly as possible without compromising on their target. They’d find that their man realized that they needed to get moving and keep on moving. Either that or they don’t go anywhere at all. Anybody who knew Tony knew that failing to move was not even an option for the legendary miner.

As time went on, the team came close to the center of the taxing work. Within this center lay the necessary preparatory work needed for sluicing. Once the sluicing, a process also known as gaining ground, was completed, the drainage and the stripping of the flooded cut were then completed. This allowed the team to carry out more operations in the area. Tony went on to give the guys the gist of the matter; they were going to move the sluice box up there so that they could begin with what they needed to do. Anybody who’s been in this field of work will know that you’ve gotta roll your sleeves up for this part because it could be quite the task to check off your list of difficult things to do for the day. The first thing they were gonna do was put some rocks in the box before making enough to go water hunting by the end of the week.

The plan seemed simple enough; produce a gold font within the time period of a week in a barren cut. This may seem pleasant enough but the team knew that this was only the calm before the storm because the next steps were not gonna be anywhere as nice as what they had just done. First off, they had to deal with Tony’s shaker wash plant, a dormant equipment that hasn’t been used for more than four years! How were they gonna get that working again? Alas, Tony and the guys realized that the solution may be that the equipment needed to be renewed. This must have been annoying for the guys because this was a relatively long and drawn-out process that involved a lot of cautious reconstruction. That’s even before they could even perform the sluicing that they all came for. They hadn’t even gotten to one of the most critical aspects of this work; the shaker deck. They had to take the most care as they moved this seven-ton piece of equipment so that they could fix it and get it in place.

Fortunately, the boys were up to the task. Before long, Tony was watching his efficient and organized team as they got straight into work. With the use of their trusty crane, the team was able to carefully move the shake decker to where they needed it to be. You should have seen them; it was beautiful. That said, it definitely wasn’t easy. The team had to crane up the shaker deck and carefully swing it into the position on top of the wash plant’s frame. We must appreciate that the revival wasn’t just a simple case of engineering. No, it was also a symbol on one side and a warning on the other. This is because apparently those running it were never going to give up their position for anybody else.

As such, one is left to wonder if Tony was going to be able to overcome the obstacles that it would take to revive his ever-crumbling wash plant empire. Will he be able to do this? If he could, it would mean he might just be able to pull off one massive billion-dollar gamble. As much as normal people may be overcome by such a massive challenge, it appears to all that have watched this man carry on on the Gold Rush TV show that this will not put him down. That said, time was running out and it was running out fast. The atmosphere in the camp was tense and understandably so because the entire team was doing their best to hold it together as they were waiting for the direction to act. Soon, they got their marching orders and that came in the form of the Screen deck. The first thing the team needed to do was to move this massive piece of equipment. Let’s not get it twisted; this was a tall order that needed strength, coordination, and grace. As such, each and every one of the tough movements that it took to make this move was made with the utmost care one step at a time.

As such, one can understand the previously mentioned tension. However, it says a lot about the team that they were able to pull themselves together enough to overcome this first massive obstacle. Despite achieving such a great feat, the team carried on with their tasks. As time went on, they worked like a well-oiled machine, carrying on seamlessly as they took each step to achieve their goal with diligence and care. That’s the way of life out there on the Klondike. It is with this united effort that the team was also able to put the spray bar assembly together. One may say that the reason for this careful approach to their work was because working with Tony meant that you were working with one of the most safety-cautious bosses in the mining business, and if anybody was gonna remind his team about how dangerous these jobs could be, it would be Tony Beets.

To be honest, Tony didn’t need to do much work to remind the guys about how dangerous their jobs could be. The dangers were evident in the heavy machinery alone. They must always remember that the mining site was not a playground and to have their guard up. That way, they can always be protected from the dangerous elements that could be hiding just around the corner

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