Gold Rush

Rick Ness Just Found The BIGGEST Gold Mine Ever! | Gold Rush

Rick Ness Just Found The BIGGEST Gold Mine Ever! | Gold Rush

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From working as the right-hand man to one of the most prominent members of the show to beginning a career as one of the most successful mine bosses out in the Klondike, here’s how Rick Ness found the biggest gold mine ever!

Those who have the pleasure of knowing how amazing the Gold Rush TV show is will be able to tell you how fascinating the characters on the show are. If the fans of the TV show that’s broadcast by the Discovery Channel aren’t fascinated by the captivating adventures undertaken by Parker Schnabel, the promising young miner who grew to fulfill his potential as a gold miner during the 14 seasons of the show, they must have been interested in watching Tony Beets, the wily veteran of the show, develop from a consultant to the so-called king of the Klondike.

Considering this, you may forgive fans for forgetting about Rick Ness, one of the initial cast members of the show. Although he did begin his career on Gold Rush all those years ago back in 2010, he may not be so popular on the show because he started out as Parker’s right-hand man. Following eight seasons with the gifted miner, Rick decided that perhaps it was time to stand on his own two feet as a gold miner. At least that may be what people thought was going on when he returned during season 9 of the show as a mine boss. Since then, Rick and his fearless crew have decided to take on the harsh and unforgiving conditions of the Klondike so that they could come away with that sweet gold.

Soon, Rick and his crew will find that their work out there in the Klondike region of Dawson city in Yukon, Canada was more than just a search for gold. Indeed they’d soon discover that they had actually set off on an adventure of a lifetime. This adventure would prove to be filled with tales of trials and tribulations, as well as tales of success that would leave the Gold Rush community captivated by the gold miners.

When you observe how the fans were taken with this particular mining company run by Rick Ness, you’d find that they probably found it so captivating because they had probably never seen someone handle all the stress and uncertainty of the gold mining business like the main man himself. Even during his days as Parker’s foreman and right-hand man, crewmen and viewers at home were quite impressed with the composure shown by Rick while facing the forever unforgiving conditions of the Klondike and the problems that came with it. Going forward, he carried on with this level of competency following his return to the show in its 9th season.

Looking to hit the road running, Rick and his men held on steadily to overcome several obstacles so that they could extract 1,150 ounces of gold from the mines during his first season as a mine boss. Pretty impressive, don’t you think? It proves to be a testament to his and his team’s tenacity and will power. While as much as it helped him confirm his status as a gold miner, he was able to win the admiration of the fans and the respect of his peers when he was able to overcome several obstacles that all these miners had to face themselves. Soon, this trial by fire began to help the new mine boss gain the experience that he needed and by season 11 of the show, he was able to extract more than 1000 ounces of gold from the soil which helped him and his team make $2 million or more.

One could say that this was finally the season that he had cut his teeth when it came to being confirmed as a competent mining boss and we may be compelled to agree with them. Following this success in season 11, Rick decided that it was time to push the ante a little bit further by aiming for a larger target in the future. That’s why he figured it would make a lot of sense to extract 2000 ounces of gold from the mines in the Yukon during season 12 of the show. We think that made sense too. Not only would it bring them more money, it would also help them solidify their reputation as gold miners.

However, Rick would soon find that sometimes, plans are easier made than executed. The problems with his goals soon became clear when he realized that he may not have the number of men that he needed to reach his new 2000-ounce target. In order to combat this problem at the beginning of the season, Rick decided that the best thing to do is to improve his operation by purchasing some massive half a million dollar equipment to compensate for this lack of men on his workforce. Incredibly, this seemed to work because at the end of the season, Rick reveals that this expensive equipment helped him and his team extract 2047 ounces of gold from the mines that season.

However, this success would end up being short-lived as Rick had to take yet another hiatus from the show even before he could fully enjoy his victory. Turns out that he had to deal with some pressing issues that needed addressing immediately. He had been suffering from some depression and as we all know, one must take the utmost care of their mental health. Thankfully, the rest of the crew along with the fans back at home were understanding enough to let the man have his break. That’s why they must have all been so excited when they realized that the boss was coming back to the show when season 14 started. They couldn’t wait to see if he could pick up from where he last left off and with any luck this may result in the discovery of even more gold than ever before.

However, before he could set off on any more gold mining adventures during the season, he found that he had to raise the capital needed to fund this chapter of his gold mining career. That is why he must have been gutted when he had to sell his mother’s home to make the money needed to enter into this new gold mining endeavor. Hopefully, momma understood that this is what needed to be done for him to succeed in his new assignment. At least he’d still have the fans who are waiting with a lot of eagerness as they hope that he’ll be able to surpass his previous highs that he was able to reach before his career was so affected by his mental health.

Well, they will be delighted to find that those figures of the past were chicken feed compared to what he has been able to extract from the mines this time around. With so many ounces of gold being extracted from the mines in the Klondike region it looks like Rick and his team are there for serious business. Someone’s gotta get momma that brand-new house after all. It must be wild for the fans to watch as Rick transformed from Parker’s right-hand man to the successful mine boss that we see today, especially as he had been able to extract so many ounces of gold from the soil while they were only halfway through the season. What sort of work rate is that?

If anything, his accomplishments tell us a tale of a man who was ready to go through any difficulty so that he can achieve his goals, especially after the tough times that he had to endure during season 13 of the show. This was when he took that much-needed time to work his way through that seasonal depression. Well, whatever he did during that time must have worked wonders because he returned to the show to become a gold extracting machine unlike any other who had made their way to the Klondike.

To be honest, these qualities of tenacity and strong will in the face of adversity had been visible in Rick even when he was Parker’s assistant. His ability to learn quickly and adapt to problematic situations helped him back then and now, he is reaping the rewards of his intelligence and experience as he helps his team extract monumental riches from the mines. The fans must have loved to watch this progress too, especially from the time he decided to stand on his own as a mine boss back in season 9 of the show. They must have loved how he developed from only believing that he can extract only about 1000 ounces of gold from the mines to now believing that they can extract almost up to 50,000 ounces of gold even before they’ve spent half of the season out on the mines.

It must be fascinating to them as they watched him grow in such a manner, especially as he had to endure his Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a kind of depression that seems to be linked to the passing of seasons to certain individuals. This must have been a lot for Rick, especially because he was someone who never believed that he’d suffer from any sort of depression as he had never experienced it in his life before now. This would have made it even more difficult for him to identify what was going on with his mental health when he began to experience his issues. Again, it must have been a relief to all when he was able to work through his problems.

Perhaps, this must have taken a turn for the worse when he had to get his mind around the death of his mother. At least now he may just be able to fulfill his potential. To be honest, this is a blessing for both Rick as well as his crew and the fans watching at home because at least now they have living proof that someone is able to overcome all that adversity so that they could reach their potential. It must also be acknowledged that his return during season 14 to achieve all the success that he had achieved so far also came with a huge personal sacrifice on his own part. Perhaps, this showed how ambitious the man was as he was willing to do all it took to achieve all this fame and fortune. While it may seem as though he may only be attracted to the glitz and glamor of working on the Gold Rush TV show, it must also be noted that his return also highlighted his dedication to gold mining.

Perhaps, that is why he set off on a daring 190-foot deep test drilling project. All this is done with his career and reputation on the line. As they already have to deal with the prospect of this

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