The Curse of Oak Island

‘Curse Of Oak Island’ Dumas Team Hits Garden Shaft Challenge

‘Curse Of Oak Island’ Dumas Team Hits Garden Shaft Challenge

Marty Lagina - Curse of Oak Island - History Channel

Curse of Oak Island’s Dumas Team worked on the Garden Shaft since last year, but now they finally got a breakthrough, they also hit a major challenge. It’s a different challenge from the mining permit issues, but it could be even harder to overcome for the History Channel treasure hunt.

Curse Of Oak Island Dumas Team & The Garden Shaft

Recently, a marker got everyone excited because it suggested that the Garden Shaft might be a way to assess tunnels. The quest to find treasure down there excites a lot of people. Some trinkets and a cross, plus a new silver find keep viewers coming back. However, some of them tire of nothing major happening but the garden shaft seems to be a major key to finding more.

Dumas Miners Prepare To Break Through- History Channel

Curse of Oak Island relics lie in different places, and a major step involved the Chappel Vault under the money pit. However, in the current season, everyone waits for the Dumas Mining team to breach via the Garden shaft. Teasers of the History Channel show revealed they did. However, it quickly became filled with problems. Marty and Rick Lagina just can’t seem to get a break.

Wet and Wild Problems With The Garden Shaft

The latest episode, Wet and Wild, teasers revealed that the Dumas Team finally hit the marker they had been working towards. However, it could end up a lot more difficult than predicted. As they broke through, water gushed out. So, they seem to have a flooded tunnel disaster. Water in mining isn’t unheartd of, but it could be a long setback.

Team Dumas Drill Plan With The Garden Shaft - History Channel

The objective for the team was to get down to 160 feet and then drill sideways toward the Baby Blob. There, the team leaders believe they should find some decent treasure. However, so much water gushed out, that the workers scrambled to get out of the way. Was it seepage? Or, was it a deliberate effort to prevent people from raiding the treasure?

Disappointed History Channel Viewers

On Twitter (X), people feel sad about the many setbacks the team faces. While the team discovered a copper trinket near Nolan’s Cross, they still haven’t found the burial site of the Ark of the Covenant. So, some fans mocked Marty and Rick Lagina’s efforts:

@JustinFoote008: They keep digging holes and pretty soon that island will sink 🙄 They are making more money off tourists than they will from any treasure.
@altx0012 @Samsies. I don’t even like the show anymore. But godamn it if I’m gonna not see them find the treasure after investing a decade of my life watching!
Wait that show is still on the air. I thought they would have found the treasure but now.

What are your thoughts about the latest setback on the History Channel show? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your Curse of Oak Island news.

Curse of Oak Island - History Channel

Season 11 of Curse of Oak Island left Rick, Marty Lagina, the team, and the audience disappointed. The season focused on the Knights Templar and the Vikings but ended up in a rush against time before winter set in. However, there are several clues that the History Channel show started filming Season 12 recently.

Curse of Oak Island Fans Hope For More Seasons?

Critics of the History Channel show think that the team discovers theories that don’t pan out more than anything else. However, a dedicated following can’t wait for more. After all, it’s a show that doesn’t bring manufactured drama. Additionally, it’s educational. Then, of course, there are always clues that there might be notable treasure somewhere. And finally, it’s interactive with the team calling on the audience for help on occasion.

The Curse of Oak Island | YouTube

Curse of Oak Island fans started wondering about a new season as soon as Season 11 ended. In the finale, Rick Lagina seemed very emotional and pledged to return. Then in May, the first hints of filming started arriving. A History Channel blogger who lives in the area managed to capture some images of activity across the causeway in Nova Scotia.

New Evidence Of Filming For Season 12 On The History Channel

The account on Facebook named Oak Island From The Other Side of The Causeway dropped some photos over the weekend and again on Tuesday. In the first batch, photos taken from a boat revealed an excavator near the swamp. Additionally, there was a water pump, and they spotted a Choice Drilling vehicle.

Excavator - Credit Oak Island From The Other Side of The Causeway

Below you can see the big pump in the swamp.

Big Pump - Credit Oak Island From The Other Side of The Causeway

More photos indicating filming for Curse of Oak Island revealed what might be a new screening plant. The admin of the account wrote in their caption:

A late afternoon arrival! Looks like a new screening plant! Currently sitting on the road just before the swamp. Seems like some assembly is required.
Lots going on in the money pit area. The big equipment is working and tents have been erected. Busy bees!

What seems to be a new screening plant - Credit Oak Island From The Other Side of The Causeway

Of course, History Channel fans love that they get leaks about the show. So, they took to the comments sections of the posts. Here are some of their thoughts:

Love Curse of Oak island. It’s always an adventure for me. Gary Drayton is like a little kid when he finds something. Looking forward to the next adventure.
Looks like a wash plant like they use on the Gold Rush show. Hopefully they found some paydirt!
That’s a very good sign!! Why have that expense unless the spoils are worth sifting
Thank you for doing this. These little insights keep me sane between seasons lol.
Asvi have said before, you are much appreciated for all the updates. I dont know what i would do withput these. I appreciate that most people are keeping smart aleck remarks off. Thank you again.
What are your thoughts on the new hints that Rick, Marty Lagina, and the team seem to be filming for Season 12? Are you excited about more exploration and discovery on the History Channel show? Shout out in the comments below and come back here often for all your Curse of Oak Island news.

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A group of bold adventurers set off on a journey into the mysterious depths of Oak Island, where legends and reality intertwine.
As they uncover tantalizing clues and confront ancient mysteries, they come across a disturbing revelation: an ominous and mysterious presence lurks in the island’s depths.
With each step forward, they inch closer to unraveling the truth, but they face the looming question of whether they will unearth the island’s best-kept secrets or give in to the malevolent forces that surround them.
Their mission becomes even more dangerous as a hurricane approaches, threatening to unleash its fury upon Oak Island. Nevertheless, the team remains resolute, led by seasoned metal detectorist Gary Drayton, alongside Jack Begley, Jamie Kouba, and others, each bringing their expertise and unwavering determination.
Their quest is fueled by previous discoveries, including a hidden foundation and various artifacts hinting at the island’s rich history and the possibility of grander treasures lying beneath the surface. Among their finds is a mysterious cement-like substance, adding another layer of mystery to their exploration.

This takes us back in time to when this entire treasure hunting frenzy began on this mysterious island.
If we could take a peek into the past, one could observe a young man named Daniel McGinnis came across this circular depression while wandering around this island.
Coming across this strange landmark on the island took his mind back to the legends which told him that there was some treasure that was buried on the island.
Immediately struck by this, the young man hurried to gather a pair of his friends so that they could see what may be lying at the bottom of this circular depression that would eventually be known as the original Money Pit to those that would venture on to this strange place to search for the treasure themselves.
Soon, the boys got to work digging into this circular depression. Before long, they came across some items that told them that this circular depression was definitely created by humans.
These items were foreign objects such as oak logs, wooden platforms, and coconut fibers among other things. Items that were similar to the coconut fibers, also known as xx, were an especially telling sign that humans definitely dug this hole.
Now if they could get to the bottom of it, they may find the treasure that is rumored to be hidden somewhere on this mysterious island. Despite their enthusiasm, Daniel McGinnis and his buddies soon found that this project may be too overwhelming for them.
Unfortunately, they lacked the manpower and the equipment to get to the bottom of this hole. Sadly, they will not be the ones to unearth the treasure that may have been buried at the bottom of this massive pit.
As the young men slinked away, the sands of time would soon realize that they would not be the only ones to fail in this treasure hunting mission.
For the next 229 years, it has become clear that this is one of the most difficult treasure hunting challenges in history because it has still not been discovered.
That is the reason why watching the Lagina brothers and the Curse on Oak Island crew seems to be so fascinating. Who knows if and when these men will come across the treasure that is rumored to be hidden on the island.
Does it even really exist, or is this a fool’s errand? Only time will tell, but that will not stop us from watching the Lagina brothers as they continue on this quest to find the treasure that is rumored to be hidden on Oak Island.

As the team assembled, there was a palpable sense of anticipation mingled with excitement for what lay ahead.
Gary Drayton, renowned for his careful approach to treasure hunting, wasted no time in deploying his trusted metal detector.
With each sweep, his keen senses scoured the ground for buried treasures or artifacts waiting to be unearthed.
Time seemed to stand still as Gary methodically scanned the area, his focus unwavering as he sifted through the soil.
Suddenly, a triumphant yell shattered the peace, signaling success. Jack Begley hurried to Gary’s side, his eyes alight with anticipation, eager to catch a glimpse of the newly found treasure.
Together, they examined the discovery, a gleaming relic emerging from the earth, its significance yet unknown.
The crew buzzed with excitement and renewed determination, with each find bringing them closer to unraveling Oak Island’s mysteries and uncovering its hidden secrets.
Amidst the rugged landscape, bathed in the golden glow of discovery, one question lingered in their minds: what other secrets lay waiting to be discovered on Oak Island?
As Gary carefully unearthed the object, revealing a sparkling military button concealed beneath the soil, speculation ran wild.
Could it be silver, a long-forgotten treasure buried for centuries, or perhaps something even more extraordinary?
Each team member contributed their own predictions and insights as they pondered the button’s hidden history and the mysteries yet to be revealed.
Fiona Steel, the voice of reason among the crew, suggested that the discovery of the button could be a crucial piece of the puzzle, shedding light on the true nature and significance of the foundation.
The button’s likely origin in the 1700s or earlier, with its pattern resembling artillery buttons commonly worn by military forces such as the French, British, and Spanish, raises interesting questions about the individuals who may have been involved in activities on Oak Island during that period.
The presence of military personnel adds a deeper historical context to the island’s mysteries, potentially offering insights into events leading up to the discovery of The Money Pit.
Bringing the button and other relics back to the lab for further analysis presents the opportunity to uncover more information about Oak Island’s past.
Through careful inspection and research, significant insights regarding the identities and actions of those who traveled across the island centuries ago could be revealed, aiding in unraveling its mysterious history and hidden treasures.

Despite the storm clouds gathering overhead and the impending threat of Hurricane Lee, the team’s resolve remained steadfast.
However, with safety becoming their primary concern as the powerful Category 5 hurricane approached Nova Scotia, they reluctantly made the decision to temporarily suspend all search activities on Oak Island.
It was a difficult choice, knowing that their quest for answers would have to be put on hold for the time being.
Despite the uncertainty and disruption caused by the impending storm, they remained steadfast in their determination to protect the island and uphold the progress they had achieved so far.
Leroy, Roger, and Kiddo each outlined their strategies for safeguarding their respective sites, bracing themselves for the anticipated wind and rain.
With preparations complete, the crew prepared for the incoming storm, knowing they would emerge from it stronger and more committed than ever.
Despite the challenges they faced, they stayed united in their quest for answers, confident that the ultimate revelation awaited them just beyond the horizon.

Meanwhile, Rick Lagina found himself at a crucial moment on Oak Island as the cyclone loomed overhead.
He learned that a significant portion of the alleged Treasure Tunnel, situated directly beneath the garden shaft at a depth of approximately 100 ft, had been uncovered.
Surveying the scene, Rick was shocked by the size of the beams, each one confirming the tunnel’s existence.
A sense of excitement tinged with disbelief washed over him as he realized the tangible evidence before him.
It was clear that the tunnel was not just a figment of imagination but a tangible reality waiting to be explored.
As they discussed their next steps, Rick’s mind raced with possibilities. It seemed crucial to clean and extract the beams for further examination.
With samples in hand, they could potentially determine when the tunnel was constructed and shed light on its purpose.
Their efforts had finally borne fruit, as carbon dating results from previous wood pieces within the tunnel confirmed their suspicions.
The discovery of timbers dating back to the 17th century sparked a rush of excitement among the team, fueling their determination to delve deeper into the mysteries concealed beneath the tunnel’s depths.

Maybe this could also help the team learn who the treasure of Oak Island truly belongs to.
That’s right! Not only do we not know where X marks the spot, we also do not know who this treasure belongs to or what this treasure may look like, and boy, there are a lot of theories that were developed as people pondered on who this treasure may truly belong to.
For starters, there are some truly fantastic theories that this treasure may have belonged to William Shakespeare, the great playwright known for works such as Romeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice, Hamlet, MacBeth, and so many other generational pieces of work.
As incredible as this may sound, this theory is supported by the likes of Craig Tester, especially after the team came across this ancient book binding on the island.
To him and others who believed that William Shakespeare thought that Oak Island may be the best place to store his wealth and some of his first edition works, both published and unpublished, the discovery of the ancient book binding is too much to ignore.
As fantastic as this may sound, there are others who believe that the treasure rumored to be hidden there and the works that may be found among them may not belong to William Shakespeare.
Instead, some believed that they may have actually belonged to Francis Bacon, one of the most prominent members of English society back then.
In fact, some people were convinced that it was him, not William Shakespeare, who wrote those classics that we still know and love today, raising eyebrows to those who had fallen in love with his many masterpieces.
Alas, this is just a theory and there are many others that have their own ardent support.
There is a theory that is going around which says that the treasure may belong to one pirate or the other.
Think Captain Kidd or Blackbeard, two of the most infamous pirates during the days of the Spanish Civil War of Succession, a time that also coincides with the end of what we know as the Golden Age of Piracy.

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