The Curse of Oak Island

Rick Lagina Just Discovered The BIGGEST Treasure Ever On Oak Island!

Rick Lagina Just Discovered The BIGGEST Treasure Ever On Oak Island!

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Money Pit collapsed in 1861, and a whole bunch of wood sort of went missing, so one plausible theory is we’re seeing that collapse. We’re in the collapse zone from the association of the elusive treasure to an ancient religious military group that may have made their way to the island in the days of antiquity.

To the excavation of certain parts of the island that could lead to the hidden treasure of the captivating island, here’s how Rick Lagina just discovered the biggest treasure ever on Oak Island. What do we have over here?

For years now, Rick and Marty Lagina of The Curse of Oak Island TV show have searched thoroughly for the treasure rumored to be hidden on the island for more than 200 years now. Although they may have come away with some important clues, it appears for some time now that they may be just like the multitude of men who made their way to the island just to find out that this treasure hunt wasn’t going to be a walk in the park. However, over time, some clues have made the Lagina brothers and The Curse of Oak Island crew start to believe that they may just be the ones to come out and triumph in this quest for this long-lost treasure.

Are we on the extreme edge of the Money Pit? I don’t know, but at some point, release the hounds, right? It’s time to dig.

The tide started to turn during season 10 of The Curse of Oak Island TV show. This was when the team made the amazing discovery of traces of gold in the waters of Oak Island. This told them that somebody definitely brought this gold here, which must also mean there must be gold on the island, and boy did this prove to boost the morale of the guys on the team.

However, they may have to break the curse of the seven dead people before they can think about finding this treasure. If you haven’t heard of this curse before, I’m feeling sort of a childish excitement to see what we’ve only seen in pictures—to dig up and see with our own eyes what that enigmatic and peculiar u-shaped structure is.

You may be surprised to hear that apparently, the treasure that has eluded so many for so long will remain hidden forever until seven have lost their lives looking for this mysterious treasure of Oak Island. As bizarre as that sounds, we’re sure people are silently hoping for that final death now that six people have lost their lives looking for this treasure over the centuries.

It’s kind of no alic I.E. Dan dug it in 71, and we are going to reveal it in its entirety and hopefully bring that data to Dan and show up. I wonder if anybody ever thought of volunteering. Seeing as no Katniss Everdeen-inspired volunteers were ever going to step up so that their peers would finally discover the treasure, the treasure hunt continued in spite of this deadly curse. Hopefully, something will give.

Already, some interesting artifacts have been discovered as a result of this search. For example, there was the discovery of the stone that was covered with strange markings and symbols. There were also other man-made things such as coins and tools that can be traced back to the days of antiquity. They even came across a lead cross that could be traced back to the Knight’s Templar, the medieval Christian military organization that ensured the safety of Christians who hoped to make the pilgrimage to the holy city we all know as Jerusalem.

As you can imagine, this ancient military group has fascinated scholars and laymen alike for centuries, and as such, their supposed presence on Oak Island only adds more to the mystery of this fascinating place. The Holy Grail is a religious artifact and is also actually an object of political significance. Back then, to open a cathedral or to mount a crusade, you needed a relic—a relic for people to rally behind.

Some people have proposed that the ancient Christian military group made their way to this little island because they needed a place secure enough to stash their ever-growing fortune, developed thanks to the favor shown by the Christians in high places all over Europe. This made people believe that the treasure of Oak Island may contain certain relics of the Christian faith, perhaps even relics like the Holy Grail or the Ark of the Covenant. Maybe somehow they were concealed in one of the undiscovered tunnels that may have been built on the island by the Knight’s Templar.

With such thoughts as to who may have hidden their treasure on Oak Island, you can be sure that the team was eager to get on with their search for treasure. At least that way, they can finally confirm who this treasure belongs to. That is why the team gathered with all their tools before continuing with the exploration of the island.

Soon, they got to a point of interest, which they marked out because they believed it had the potential of being the point where everything will be revealed. I still believe there are answers in that swamp, I still believe that, but as of yet, we can’t prove it. After marking the spot, the team decided that this was where they were going to build another borehole area. That was perhaps because they had carried out some experiments with the water in the area and found that it had traces of gold in it. Some further experiments revealed that if they dug their borehole within the area, they just might strike the gold that they and many others before them had been searching for all this time.

Curious about whether this may be the only place where they may find this gold, the team of scientists decided to carry out a similar experiment in the waters found in and around the original Money Pit. These experiments proved to be the right instincts to follow because this led to the discovery that there might be some gold hidden somewhere 80 to 120 feet deep into the area known as the original Money Pit. What an amazing prospect! What exactly do you think they’d find when they get to such depths?

We had walked by that stone many times, and yet it took Tori Fell from Reflex, who was doing the inclinometer work, to notice it and bring it to our attention. Well, deeper investigations revealed that this gold may also be in a 20×20 area known as the baby blob. Excited about the prospects of this baby blob, the team was eager to focus their search in this area for the time being.

That said, they were fully aware of the risks involved in digging down to this blob. They knew that, for example, they would have a tough time getting down so deep if the network of tunnels that they suspect may be under the Money Pit is actually there. They’d have to move a bit more delicately so that they can avoid losing more than that seventh person.

That said, the team decided to persevere by pushing on. This eventually led to the mapping of the area and the location of the most likely spots to find either the treasure or a chamber that may contain the said loot. With any luck, this may lead to their much-needed discovery. After all, they had dedicated so much time and so many resources to this cause already. Something had to give, and they deserved a break for everything they had done on the island so far.

Eager to get what they had been searching for, Am and Helen have taken the initiative to create a sifting station, if you will. Hopefully, there’ll be an artifact or two within that material. I just think there’s something uniquely strange about this well, and I hope—no pun intended—that we get to the bottom of it.

The team soon started off on the construction of what they’d call Borehole DN 11.5 in the baby blob. That was the only way they could carry out their investigation as to what may be down there. Hopefully, not only would it lead them to the discovery of a network of tunnels that may be hiding deep underneath the baby blob area, but it will also help them see if there is truly any treasure down there that is waiting to be unearthed by the team.

Love to we puzzle now over why that stone was found down in the Money Pit. Are they an artifact that was absolutely connected to Oak Island and perhaps here to this land? Believe it or not, the area had been known for some time now. That is why there was a pond in the area to begin with. Previously, it was a pit with a water-filled bottom before it was eventually referred to as the garden shaft. However, that didn’t stop the experimentation in the area.

For example, an artifact found in the area was experimented on, and that’s when they found out that it dated back to the early to mid-1700s. The hand-drawn map is clearly Oak Island, and then there are several things named in French which have been translated for us. One is called the Basin, translated from French, while that clearly correlates to the swamp many years before the discovery of the original Money Pit.

Again, experiments in the water in the area were carried out, and when the team learned that traces of gold were found, they couldn’t contain their excitement as they considered the prospect of ending this 229-year treasure hunting adventure.

As the team carried out their investigation in the garden shaft, they made their way to about 80 feet into the ground. This is when they remembered that during the Onslow Company’s expedition on the island, the company was stumped when they got to about 80 to 90 feet into the ground. Doug and Lir date the boot to 1908-1909, which sort of changes its importance to me now. We want to proceed because it ties with Doug’s awakening to the possibility that we’re digging in the shaft that Roosevelt dug in.

This was because they probably triggered the booby trap, which allowed water to flood their shaft in an alarming manner. Unfortunately, this would bring an end to the Onslow Company’s activities on the island because they were unable to pump the water out despite their best efforts. This made other explorers conclude that there must be something connecting the water from the ocean to these pits that people keep digging on the island.

The gold sampling of the garden shaft that yielded some gold previously made the team excited that the gold buried on the island may actually be in this area. But again, they were well aware that it could be all in vain if they triggered that booby trap that so many others have before them.

Well, we have the boot, and now, you have to wonder what this one could tell us. At this point, we need to take it back to the war room to try and figure out exactly where they were. By now, they had almost reached the 90-foot mark, and it was all hands on deck to make sure that this is where they were going to find the gold that may have been buried on Oak Island.

To top it off, they had all the right tools to get the job done, but perhaps most importantly, they had the experience from the failed missions of those who came before them. That means they knew what not to do if they were going to succeed in their treasure-hunting mission.

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