The Curse of Oak Island

This Is Why Marty Lagina Is 10 Times RICHER Than Rick Lagina

This Is Why Marty Lagina Is 10 Times RICHER Than Rick Lagina

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From investments in several businesses by one brother to the other who maintained a life in public service, here’s why Marty Lagina is ten times richer than Rick Lagina.

As we look on to that tiny little treasure-hunting spot off the south coast of Nova Scotia called Oak Island, one would find that there have been many characters that have taken risks to find the treasure that all these people have been looking for during the course of 200 or more years. That said, not many of these people stand out as much as the Lagina brothers, the leaders of the current set of treasure hunters that have taken on Oak Island’s treasure-hunting mission.

In the face of the many adventures that they had set off on while searching for the treasure on this island, the pair have become more famous than they could have ever imagined, especially after the fact that all they wanted was to fulfill a childhood dream of finding this treasure. That said, although they have attained fame, one would find that fame will always be a double-edged sword.

While they have been able to entertain millions of viewers thanks to their show, this fame has also created a buzz about how much the cast members had made in the course of the show, especially as the treasure that is rumored to be there hasn’t been found. While some may think that this may be because they hadn’t found the treasure despite spending more than a decade on the island, one would find that the reason for this curiosity is because people had noticed that Marty seemed to be a lot wealthier than his older brother, Rick Lagina.

That said, it takes nothing away from the fact that the Curse of Oak Island TV series has entertained millions of viewers with its captivating content. How many of us had dreamed of finding treasure on a mysterious island when we were growing up? In the end, the Lagina brothers brought our fantasies to life as we watched the Lagina brothers and their crew take on the mysteries that could be found on the mysterious island while searching for the fortune that is rumored to be buried there.

One would also find that the legend of Oak Island is one that has been part of history for some time now. If one takes a trip back to the late 18th century, one will still find that there was a legend that stated that there must be great treasure that was hidden on the island. That said, the legend could never categorically state who this treasure may have belonged to or who may have actually hidden this treasure on the island.

Some claimed that this treasure could be the booty hidden away by pirates while others were certain that there must be some sort of historical holy artifact that was buried somewhere on the island. Maybe that is why there were so many failed attempts to get to the bottom of this treasure hunting mission as no one is even certain about what this treasure is.

Maybe, it is also because of the curse that seems to be attached to the treasure. Apparently, the curse on the treasure says that this treasure will never be found. That is unless seven people lose their lives while searching for this treasure on Oak Island. As far as we know, reports state that only six people have died at this point. As we may not be able to convince anyone to fall on their sword for the sake of the glory of others, it may seem as though we’re set for another 200 years of this search for treasure.

We can all blame a 13-year-old Rick Lagina for the continuation of this treasure-hunting frenzy that is taking place on our TV screens. While he was a kid still goofing around in Kingsford, Michigan, he came across the fascinating legend of Oak Island when he came across this January 1965 edition of Reader’s Digest. It told him all about the infamous money pit and how it may be linked to the treasure that is rumored to be hidden on the island.

Speaking of the original money pit, it only came to the fore when a kid named Daniel McGinnis came across it while exploring the island back in 1795. Once he came across this circular depression in the ground, he recruited a pair of his friends to help him get to the bottom of this pit. Maybe, it could have the treasure that was rumored to be hidden on the island by the likes of pirates or the Knights Templar.

As they dug into the earth, they found encouraging signs that they may be digging at the right spot. Every time they hit depths of about 10 feet, they came across oak platforms. This told them that they may be going down the right path, especially as it seemed to indicate that humans were definitely involved in the digging of this deep pit. Alas, since it was only the three of them, they had to stop when they realized that they were not equipped enough to get to the bottom of this pit.

This served to be the beginning of the treasure-hunting frenzy on Oak Island because following them, several other parties traveled from various parts of the world so that they could take on the treasure-hunting challenge of Oak Island. While many may wonder about why these people decided to risk it all for such a speculative prospect, one may find this answer in this article which stated that they were convinced to make this journey to this tiny island because they were certain someone had gone through a ton of trouble to bury something on this island. Unless this person was playing the most elaborate prank in the mystery of mankind, they were sure that there was some treasure buried under this island.

Understandably, as a kid, Rick was so captivated by what he just read the reader’s digest that he had to tell his younger brother about it. Once the little brother was infected by the treasure-hunting bug, it looked like they were set for a life of adventure. Before long, this passion for treasure hunting grew as the boys became men. Once they were able to make their way to the island, the Lagina brothers and their team hopped on that trip to the mysterious island. Since the so-called Fellowship of the Dig made it to the island, they found that they’ve been able to come across some fascinating discoveries while they were on the island. Understandably, these captivating feats of the Lagina brothers and their team proved to be one of the most interesting things that we can find on TV today.

Alas, as captivating as the Curse of Oak Island show may be today, one has to come to terms with the fact that the Lagina brothers and their crew have not found the treasure that is rumored to be hidden on the island. Consequently, several theories as to the nature of the treasure have been developed by the fans of the show as they tried to find an explanation as to why the Lagina brothers have so far proven to be unsuccessful in their cause. One of the most prominent theories seems to be the one that we alluded to earlier; they can’t find the treasure because they do not know what it is or who it belonged to.

One of the foremost theories when it comes to who this treasure belongs to is the one that links the treasure to Captain Kidd, a 17th-century pirate that sailed the seven seas during the golden age of piracy. One of the reasons why people may have been compelled to believe that it was Captain Kidd who hid his treasure on the island is because one of the dying sailors that claimed to be part of Captain Kidd’s crew claimed that the Captain had buried about $2 million worth of treasure there.

Fast forward to the 19th century, a group of treasure hunters unearthed this strange stone that had weird inscriptions etched on it. What does “40 feet below, 2 million pounds lie buried” mean? As the enthusiasts try to find the answers to that question, they may have been distracted by other theories which claim that the treasure of Oak Island must have been buried there by the Knights Templar. We may all be familiar with the medieval Christian military organization of old, so we may be skeptical about how this set of Europeans made it to the Americas back in the 10th to the 12th centuries, a time that was long before our experts claim that Christopher Columbus made his way to the Americas.

Well, this doubt didn’t stop those who believe in this story from claiming that the knights Templar had to make this trip to this little island off the south coast of Nova Scotia because they were desperate for a place to secure the massive wealth that they had amassed during their glory days back in the 10th and the 12th century. Maybe this is why people claim that the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail may be hidden somewhere on this mysterious island as only the Knights Templar may be the ones who may have been in possession of these historical artifacts.

That said, we must mention that there are few concrete records, if any, that show that the Knights Templar may have made that long trip across the Atlantic Ocean just to get to Oak Island. When one thinks about it, how are we even so sure that they knew that Oak Island was there to begin with? Well, maybe that is why so many others were convinced that the treasure that was hidden on Oak Island could have belonged to Sir William Shakespeare or his supposed impostor, Francis Bacon.

This theory was born in the 19th Century because of followers of Francis Bacon. These people claimed that most of Shakespeare’s plays were penned by Francis Bacon and in order to protect this, Bacon decided to hide the original manuscripts of those great works on this mysterious island. As much as we may want to dismiss such claims, we cannot ignore clues such as the mercury that was found during the early expeditions to the island. According to his supporters, Bacon had used this mercury to protect the works that he was storing there. Add the fact that Bacon had some affiliation with the Knights Templar and you may find that those who claim that Bacon may have hidden his treasure on this island may be on the right path.

Many other clues have been discovered along the way and with any luck, not only would they be able to tell us who this treasure belonged to but it may also be able to tell us where it is located on the island. Now, the Curse of Oak Island show has spanned over 10 years and has entertained millions of fans but it is important to note that the Lagina brothers were passionate about their treasure hunt on this mysterious island long before they made their way onto our TV screens.

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